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     Horoscope for July 2006  by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign.  Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose).   It represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others.   It represents how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign represents your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious.   It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?
                                      Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover





Aires       aires

Which end is truly up for you, Aries? Where is your head and where your heart? You are entering into a confusing journey this month, a self-reflective period of analysis of root psychological issues and attempts to go beyond your current conceptions. Highlights include the intense beginning of the retrograde on July 4th that is one doorway into dreamtime, and the Last Quarter Moon of July 17th that is another. Toward month's end you stand on firmer ground. But to tune in cosmically is not to tune out altogether. Lost to the world perhaps, but in terms of a higher reality, secretly found.

As the month begins, you are very invested in home and family concerns, in the wake of the Cancer New Moon from the end of last month. You are settling into yourself at this time, getting serious about your individual contribution to the world around you, and continuing to wonder about a way to fit yourself into social circles and other forms of group participation without losing something essential.

At the time of the First Quarter Moon of Monday, July 3rd, these issues particularly dominate your awareness, and may even be cause for discomfort.

The next few days, as Mercury turns retrograde and as Jupiter also turns direct in your intimacy sector gives you some pause for thought regarding your situation. During the remainder of July, the period of the Mercury retrograde, although you are vibrantly engaged in living life, you are better served to remain employed in figuring out what your home base really is than to make any strong moves forward. You may feel somewhat stuck in your process during this month of potential challenge, and do well to simply wait for the stream to clear.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th leads you to your public statement as a release valve for pent-up emotions. You are approaching your work in the world in a new way as a result of tuning into the deeper picture, and of looking under the covers of your dynamics in relationship with significant partners.

By the time of the powerful Last Quarter Moon of Monday, July 17th, you will likely be revealing your emotional truth more clearly to those around you, as depth analysis and psychological explorations continue to occupy your mind.

The New Moon in your sector of creative self-expression that follows a week later, on Monday, July 24th, brings you to a new level of personal statement, as informed by your recent musings and internal shifts, including considerations of how relatedness to others around you plays an important part in your ongoing voyage of self-discovery.

Taurus      taurus

You are feeling your way forward into greater harmony with the natural order of things right now, Taurus. You are likely to be researching and refining your concept of resources and your own resourcefulness as the month unfolds, versus where you need the help of others. Heartfelt communication is the name of your game right now, along with the sustained energy to plumb the very depths of your desire nature in order to get a big picture idea of where you are headed with your life at this time, a road map of the steps to take to find your more appropriate future.

As the month begins you are telling it like it is, following the New Moon from the end of last month in your communications sector, finding new ways to express your values during the course of this monthly cycle. You may feel centered and focused right now, perhaps even a little stuck, with regard to issues of home and family concerns. There is a basic conflict between the public and private selves that you inhabit more or less simultaneously, but not always harmoniously. You are seeking a synthesis, but the overarching conception required to bridge the gap might be elusive. These matters come to a crux over the first seven days of the month, leading up to the Full Moon.

Also during the Mercury retrograde period, lasting from the 4th through the remainder of the month, you may well find yourself re-thinking your approach.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, your entering into a new conception of your situation. Significant partners in your life are helpful to you at this time, and may serve to catalyze your own transformation. You are expanding your awareness and your outreach, and that can be confusing, even crazy-making. As the poet says, you are "turning into something rich and strange" through the agency of this month's experiences.

The powerful Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, July 17th, may represent another turning point, another strand in the weave of your metamorphosis.

As the Sun enters your home and family sector on the 22nd, followed by the New Moon there on Monday the 24th, a new day is beginning to dawn in your understanding of where you are at and where you need to be.


You are entering into a spacious and even perhaps spacey period of time right now, Gemini. You are coming into an entirely different higher-mind perspective on your life, these days involving most especially relationship with significant others and also the way that you manage your own resources. These might not be in conflict but they definitely impinge upon each other. You are looking more deeply into their interaction as the month unfolds, seeking and eventually finding the transformation in attitude and idea that unlocks your latent powers.

As the month begins, material concerns top your list in the wake of the New Moon in your resources sector. You have been very focused on communication lately, either written or spoken, making yourself more concretely available to others around you and getting serious about this activity in a new way.

When your ruler Mercury retrogrades in the early degrees of Leo over the July 4th holiday, your thoughts and actions regarding how you connect with others may take a new turn. There are some surprises awaiting you over the extended weekend that may lead you into some unexpected directions. It may be best not to take anything for definite until well after the retrograde period has passed, perhaps as late as mid-August. In the meantime you can watch and wait, as your characteristic MO for outreach changes and your concept of the financial and other resources that you have at hand, as well as perhaps your security needs, changes along with it.

The Full Moon in your intimacy sector that comes along after the following weekend, on Monday, July 10th, puts the icing on changes that have been percolating through your consciousness regarding your ties with others, especially close and deep connection with intimate partners in your life.

The Last Quarter Moon of the week following, taking place on Monday, July 17th, is an important time for you, and brings to a head recent awareness regarding the arc of your personal development at this time. You are going for an expansion in your consciousness and at least the planning stages of new directions to emerge, although again it may be best to hold off on actually implementing any new visions that arise at this time until after a few more weeks have passed.

Cancer      cancer

This month is great one for taking stock of your situation, Cancer. You are coming out of a difficult period with more questions than answers, perhaps, and now require the necessary downtime to reassesses your life purpose. New ways of being in the world and new ways of seeing accompany an important new take on intimacy with others around you. A universal feeling of connection with the world at large contrasts with the trouble that you may run into in enforcing your boundaries for the sake of sanity. Above all remember to breathe.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the New Moon in your sign from the end of last month. It's a fresh start for you in many ways, but you're likely also to be hyper-aware of disquieting thoughts that are still very much with you as you enter your new phase. These might include considerations of the way that you do intimacy along with issues of taking up your own authority independent of the desires and feelings of others. Though the immediacy of these concerns is fading, there is still plenty of food for thought as you go through the current monthly cycle.

The First Quarter Moon of Monday, July 3rd, emphasizes values and security needs which are also a primary focus at this time.

The Mercury retrograde period beginning on the 4th is a good time to contemplate who you are, really, and exactly where it is that you are heading this time around, a persistent theme for you right now. Even though you may be tempted into impetuous activity in response to recent shifts in awareness of your situation, it is better to simply witness the changes flowing in and around you during this self-reflective period.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, brings partnership into your practice. Significant others are a valuable mainstay right now for you and give you the opportunity to share your thought process.

The powerful Last Quarter Moon of Monday, July 17th, is a time when awareness deepens of how far you come and what does or doesn't work, while the New Moon a week later is a chance for a new beginning on getting clear. You are transforming in the development of your sense of your own purpose in being here on the planet, which necessarily includes some concept of service to others, partly in response to your cumulative process over the past few weeks, and partly through feeling out for yourself what no longer works for you in your life.

Leo      leo     

Turn around and duck for cover, Leo. The old tricks aren't working the way they used to. As the month progresses, you are spending less time on spreading yourself around and more and more time on internal reflection, taking a voyage to the inside. There you may discover many a rich and yeasty substance that informs your outer presence and make it more whole. Daydreams you may find and bedazzlement in partnership connection also turn out to be a trip through your own interior realms when you have the courage to take back the projection and discover the basis for your admiration in your own inner world.

As the month begins, you find yourself in a dreamy and reflective space, feeling your feelings. The First Quarter Moon of July 3rd in your communications sector may give you pause, as you seek another way to tell your truth to others around you based on the glimmerings of a new form of being in the world, partaking of its deep mystery at the same time as its more surface elements.

When Mercury retrogrades in your sign the next day, the 4th of July, it symbolizes yet another call for deep internal reflection. In some important respects you are reinventing yourself and your concept of your future in these next few days and weeks.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, brings relationship with others more firmly into the picture. There may be a way that you are still living out old and essentially dysfunctional behaviors in regard to significant partners in your life, and during the course of this monthly cycle are digging deep within yourself for a different method of operating and new ways to see your patterns more clearly.

The Last Quarter Moon taking place on Monday, July 17th, represents a crisis in consciousness for you, as you begin to make crucial connections between your situation and the necessary changes that you need to make in order to stay poised. The trickster enters by a different door than the way that you were looking, and you are forced to take an entirely novel level of awareness into account. At the same time, you are more certain than ever of your standing and your need to maintain your physical-plane presence, so that you are shuffling in and out of cosmic connection in an interesting paradox.

When the New Moon in your sign comes along a week later, on Monday, July 24th, and the cycle of creation begins again with your birthday rapidly approaching, it's safe to say that you will be experiencing an entirely new ball game.

Virgo      virgo

You are embracing change while also holding back, Virgo, looking a gift horse in the mouth. This is an excellent month to vision new potentials although you might find yourself spending more time reflecting on your possibilities than actually acting on them. You are diving into cosmic epiphanies at this time, entering into an important process of reflection on where your life is heading, based on an essentially spiritual commitment to fundamental change at the deepest level, and simultaneously sorting through the remnants of past events in order to pick and choose the best parts of your former self to use as your new basis moving forward.

As the month begins, you may be feeling a sense of joy as the energy from New Moon from the end of last month still lingers in your sector of wishes and hopes. You are also likely feeling somewhat internal and in your own world.

Your ruler Mercury is about to retrograde in your house of dream imagination, that area of your life that is behind and beyond your conscious mind.

The First Quarter Moon that comes along just one day before the retrograde, on Monday July 3rd, pulls you to the inside even more. You are perhaps dwelling in the past to some extent, seeing where you have gotten stuck and where you can release old patterns, especially over the extended weekend and in the days immediately following.

By the time of the Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, you are more ready to share your feelings with others around you.

The Last Quarter Moon that comes along a week later, on Monday, July 17th, represents a peak of the retrograde energy, and stimulates you to take an even closer look inside, entering into an extended meditation regarding your core issues. You are undergoing an important transformation at this time, affecting in the way that you see yourself in regard to family connection and with phases of deep-seated psychological healing also.

The New Moon a week later, on Monday, July 24th, takes you further to the hidden areas of your psyche, beyond conscious control. All this inner work is leading up to something, and only with the fullness of time will you find out exactly what that is. In the meantime you are well advised to keep faith with yourself and your process, as you leave the safety and comfort of the nearer shore, embarking for a destination that somehow you have known all along.

Libra     leo

You may seem to be intent on climbing to the top of your local food chain this month, Libra, but there is a internal spiritual motivation behind your outer-world mission, as you search for the deeper meaning. With Mercury retrograde in your career sector you are also reviewing and revising your approach in this area, especially in the first half of the month, from the 4th to the 18th or so. You are in the midst of a powerful perspective change with fresh attempts at more fully understanding your true situation, but you may want to hold off on tackling any course corrections until after all the returns are in, perhaps not until as late as the second week of August.

As the month begins, you are making a fresh start in career and professional life, following the New Moon from the end of last month in that sector of your chart. You are also philosophically disposed toward changes in perspective during this monthly period, especially at the time of the First Quarter Moon of Monday, July 3rd, when some tension arises in the course of events that are unfolding, and perhaps some startling new information may come to light concerning your situation.

The retrograde of Mercury is also immanent, taking place the following day, on July 4th, and introducing a new phase. You are striving at this time to make concepts of service to others and to your own higher purpose for yourself more concrete and available in your life, and as a result perhaps making a mental u-turn in where you thought that you were heading. There are new conceptions in the works for you all right, but with Mercury retrograde nearly all month long it may be wise not to act too swiftly on them, preferring to take a "wait and see" attitude for the time being.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, kicks off another period of transformation, when you see yourself and your world differently, and when your communication, either written or spoken, reflects the great changes that you are going through at this time.

The Last Quarter Moon that comes along a week later represents another turning point, when you may be forced by circumstances to drop some portion of your career goals and perhaps some emotional baggage along with it, and when ancient patterns of the way that you show up in the world might be finally yielding.

With the New Moon of Monday, July 24th, in your sector of wishes and hopes and societal connection, you may well be ready for a new dawning of vision for your possibilities, which will reach a crescendo by month's end. It is difficult to remain detached and merely play the witness through the revolving viewpoints that you encounter this month, but you'll be well rewarded if you can find the patience to do so.

Scorpio      scorpio

It's hard to wrap your mind around your future right now, Scorpio, but you're trying. Family and core psychological issues are poignant and perhaps over-idealized, or else hazy and indefinite to the point of confusion, so that you are being forced to come to new conceptions of where life is taking you at this time. Intimate partnership with others around you remains an important guidepost, but less central than formerly to your ultimate concern, which is tending your own garden for the time, in your own way. It's an idea that you're more and more comfortable with as the weeks unfold.

As the month begins, you feel yourself still taking on increased responsibility in your career and professional life, and at the same time getting more interested in exploring the deeper meaning of the world around you following the New Moon from the end of last month in your sector of higher mind. You are also still struggling with different takes on old patterns of security needs, perhaps beginning to see that in some profound way it is after all up to you to provide your own sense of security even when family and friends fail to provide for you.

As Mercury retrogrades though your higher mind sector after the 4th, and during the remainder of the month, you will likely begin to see different sides of the same issues that you have been wrestling with lately. At the time of the Full Moon you are sharing your take on security needs only recently acknowledged with others around you, perhaps becoming more aware how much of life is unavailable to your conscious mind, similarly to the mysterious iceberg in which nine tenths of its volume remain unseen.

By the time of the powerful Last Quarter Moon a week later, on Monday, July 17th, you are transforming in your understanding of what you need to get by and even to thrive on, based on a dawning awareness of what does and doesn't work for you long-term, and exactly what you can and cannot in the last analysis really count on.

The last week of the month, beginning with the New Moon of Monday, July 24th, and including Mercury's direct station as well, represents a major shift, both in philosophical attitude and real-world concern. You are coming to a brand new sense of your vocational possibilities in this world, more in line with inner ideals and the wisdom you have gained through trials and losses. Your sense of security is better based on inner rather than outer achievement, on self- rather than other-determined goals.

Sagittarius     sagittarius

You are coming to terms with closeness and vulnerability in new ways these days, Sagittarius. It's a scary proposition but one that you are ready for. You're putting thought and energy into this area, how you connect with the intimate partnerships in your life, and in some ways you are no nearer to any kind of solution. But something is brewing underground in the depths of your awareness, and it is changing your life utterly from the inside. Just when you least expect it an answer suddenly appears, and the strange thing is that you've known it all along.

As the month begins, you are coming into some fresh awareness with respect to old patterns of communication and connection with intimate partners in your life. A new way of working your relationship energy is dawning, and it is based on a more complete acceptance of your own inner world. When you know yourself at core level it is possible to know others in the same way, and to regard them with the compassion that comes from being truly centered. You may be finding cosmic truth in the assertion that intimate others in your life are really just temporarily lost pieces of yourself.

The retrograde of Mercury through your sector of close connection with others, commencing on the July 4th holiday, may give you another opportunity to reflect on these issues and where life is taking you at this time. The retrograde period lasts the entire month of July, and is likely to provide some very specific insights into your situation, although it may be wise not to take action on new ideas until after the end of the month, or even into August.

The Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, again brings issues of self and other into the picture, as you feel yourself opening to security needs until recently largely unexpressed, and also more ready to share the growing wisdom of your conclusions with significant others.

The Last Quarter Moon represents a powerful and paradoxical time of seeking to break through to a new level of understanding of the impact of partnership in your life and also finding some emotional fulfillment in your quest.

The New Moon that takes place a week later, on Monday, July 24th, in your sector of higher mind, may crystallize belief system changes that have been in the works for you over the course of the last few weeks and usher a new self-concept into being. You are ready to take your new persona out for a test drive but don't suffer the illusion of a discontinuity in your basic approach.

Capricorn    capricorn

It's a come as you are party and everyone that you know is invited, Capricorn. Your consciousness is shifting in some unusual ways as you go through the hoops of this month's cycle, especially if you're willing to pull out all the stops and just let it rip. Your grasp on the material world is slipping, slightly, as you find yourself tuning to the beat of a far-distant drummer that lately has you very much aware of the effect of others around you on your own stages of growth. You are revising and renewing your partnership dynamic all month long, and that process will eventually take you further along your predestined track than you ever thought possible. Just be patient.

As the month begins, you are fully invested in partnering with others, riding the wave of energy from the New Moon from the end of last month in your relationship sector. This is a time for partnership involvement over personal development, although of course you don't want to neglect your own process as you work more closely with significant partners in your life.

Since Mercury is also retrograde through essentially the entire month, and in the area of your relationships as well, it is also a time for thoughtful reflection and perhaps re-thinking of your partnership dynamic.

The First Quarter Moon, of Monday, July 3rd, brings up potential conflicts between your work in the world and partnership considerations. You are exploring new angles on intimate connection with others at this time, and feeling the impact on your goals and aspirations, as has been the case for quite a while now, off and on. There could easily be security concerns that are also triggered at this time, and during the days that follow, when Mercury retrogrades and Jupiter also stations in your sector of societal connection. Some tension that arises in the mix of energy surrounding this first full week of July could help clarify your vision for a more integrated future.

The Full Moon in your sign that follows a week later, on Monday, July 10th, brings issues of self and other even more firmly into the picture. You are finding solace in coming to closer connection with your own internal process at this time, as well as tuning in more fully to others around you.

The New Moon near the end of the month also presents new opportunities for growth and change in the area of intimate connection.

In between, the powerful Last Quarter Moon of Monday, July 17th, presents another occasion for self-reflection and analysis, especially in regard to significant partnership in your life and the effect that they continue to have on finding your own dreams and aspirations. Sometimes the energy of others can aid us in finding our own way by the helpful interchanges that they provide, sometimes by the contrast.

Aquarius      aquarius

You are in the midst of a long-term process of innovation, Aquarius, discovering your path. This month your energy is in finding your own highest intention for yourself, and also looking into your process more closely. You are refining your understanding of where your energy is best invested in the light of ultimate advantage; not materially but spiritually. There is a unique service to humanity at large that you came into this lifetime to fulfill, and one major task for you right now is to uncover this path for yourself. The clues are there before you, and the ability to elucidate their meaning is also within your grasp waiting for you to proceed. But slowly, slowly.

As the month begins, you are entering into a period of connecting with your highest intention for yourself. Partnership with others is a poignant exercise for you at this time, and helps you connect to your own purpose.

Since Mercury is retrograde nearly the entire month, and passing through your sector of discipleship to your Higher Self and discovering your truest intention for this lifetime, you are also likely to be thinking and re-thinking who you are and where you are going during this period. You have an opportunity for career advancement all right, but only to the extent that you breathe into your deeper work, delving into patterns of self-sufficiency versus dependence on the opinions and even the control of others that has lead you to this point in your personal evolution.

With the advent of the Cancer – Capricorn Full Moon, coming along on Monday, July 10th, you are more fully prepared to share your vision with others around you, and accept inevitable changes to it as well.

The New Moon in the final week of the month brings you closer to significant partners in your life, and allows you to integrate their contribution in a new way.

At the halfway point, the Last Quarter Moon that takes place on Monday, July 17th, brings issues of renewed awareness to your situation. You are reaching for a difficult synthesis of what you want to accomplish with your life at this time that is meaningful in the grander scheme of things, a way to match your head and your heart in pursuit of your true path that serves you by serving all others.

Pisces    pisces

This month finds you still intent on seeking a better level of integration between inner and outer, Pisces. You are engaged in thinking and rethinking your way through to really inhabiting your future, and as you do, you make necessary adjustments to the way you put your best foot forward. Whether you immediately acknowledge it or not, and whenever you get a more informed glimpse of your eventual program, you are ultimately seeking a higher form of connection with your inner awareness as an important part of your evolving mission to discover your true calling.

As the month begins, you are feeling your oats in the wake of the New Moon from the end of last month in your sector of creative self-expression. As you explore vibrant possibilities for yourself going forward, you are still perhaps dealing with a few nagging doubts regarding your participation in the world and your ability to build new structures of responsibility and meaning in the face of deep changes in the way that you think and feel. This month represents a reflective period of time in regard to these and other issues, one that will test your ability to rise above and embrace the potential joy in your situation.

The Mercury retrograde period of time that begins on the 4th represents a chance to think things through a bit more than we usually allow time for in our modern hyperactivity, and to reflect on the changes and challenges that have brought you thus far in your course of development. This is a philosophically rich period, one when you may well take aim and a new way of showing up in the world.

The Full Moon that comes along on Monday, July 10th, pulls you into stronger contact with the transformation that you are already engaged in, and represents a flowering of building awareness.

The powerful Last Quarter Moon of the following week, taking place on Monday, July 17th, brings you to a crisis of consciousness in which the structures of your life may suddenly be seen in a new light, a figure and ground reversal that allows you to see, for the first time perhaps, the outline of your destiny.

This changing awareness has its ratification in the New Moon of Monday July 24th, when a fresh start is indicated in how you see your emerging role in the ongoing drama of the world around you.

Overview of the Planets this month:

The Astrology of July features Pluto and Neptune, along with a powerful Mercury retrograde that lasts almost the entire month. This begins on the 4th, as Mercury moves backwards through the first two degrees of Leo, and then on back through Cancer. Mercury stations direct on the 28th, still in Cancer, but does not leave its "retrograde shadow" until it reenters Leo in the second week of August. The Mercury retrograde time, including the shadow period, is well-known for mechanical and communication breakdowns, and for being a period of time when new ideas may be tentative, needing to be revised after the retrograde has passed.

It is also an excellent time for reflection on our situation, where we are going in our lives and with Mercury in Cancer, how our tribal sympathy and emotional communication could be a bigger part of the entire picture than we are often willing to give credit for in our cultural over-dependence on purely rational results. Chiron is also emphasized in the early part of the month, opposed by Saturn and squared by a stationing Jupiter. Jupiter changes to direct motion on July 6th in Scorpio, and brings up deep connection with the core of our connection with others, and with our issues, especially our issues around authority (Saturn) and as well group participation versus solitary creativity, represented by the Leo – Aquarius polarity. This can of course be a confusing period. Since numinous Neptune is also emphasized in this monthly cycle, being opposed by Mars for the first half of the month, the confusing aspects are multiplied. On the upside, we might seek and even find the spiritual impulse behind and beyond the dysfunctional physical.

Pluto, transformative agent of massive change, comes strongly into the mix of energies beginning with the Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon of July 10th, and extending up to the powerful Last Quarter Moon of July 17th. During this period of time, Venus and Mars configure with Pluto, emphasizing right relationship with others around us, another factor in the tribal call to greater unity with all of humankind, indeed with all creatures and life forms on the planet.

Current Configurations

The Cancer New Moon that began the current cycle on June 25th trines both Jupiter and Uranus in Scorpio and Pisces, and also aspects numinous Neptune, which can be exhilarating and also somewhat confusing. There is a great deal of sensitivity in the feelings that we share with each other that is reflected by this Grand Trine in Water. Saturn continues to oppose Chiron, squared by Jupiter in Scorpio, although this configuration fades as the monthly cycle unwinds.

The First Quarter Moon of Monday July 3rd aspects Saturn, bringing the more limiting parts of our situation to bear, as we attempt to discern exactly what of our high ideals is really doable.

The Cancer – Capricorn Full Moon of Monday, July 10th, aspects both Neptune and Uranus. Neptune and Uranus are in mutual reception at this time and reinforce each other, bringing an entirely otherworldly touch to the realism brought by Saturn. In the meantime, Mercury has turned retrograde while Jupiter has changed to direct, remaining almost motionless in the sky and hence more significant. This is also a time when we are more willing to share our ideals with others around us.

The powerful Last Quarter Moon of Monday, July 17th, is also the time of a Sun - Mercury conjunction, one crux of the retrograde cycle. This is a time when mechanical and communication breakdowns, the hallmarks of the retrograde cycle, are likely to be more pronounced. Another Grand Trine is formed at this time, in Fire, with Pluto and the Moon and Mars all participating, while Venus opposes Pluto, so look for intensity in the already overly sensitized interconnections with our partners in transformation here on planet earth.

The final week of the month brings a New Moon in Leo, so that the Fire element again predominates. This signals growth, of both a personal and a transpersonal kind, and the chance to respond with our hearts and our sense of intuitive truth of the situation rather than with our heads that so often get us into trouble.

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