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Astrology Page              Current Month               ALL HOROSCOPES              HOME     Horoscope for May 2006  by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign.  Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose).   It represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others.   It represents how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign represents your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious.   It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?
Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover

Aires       aires

You are practical these days in one way, Aries, yet spectacularly not at all practical in another. You are delving beneath the surface of your personality, as security issues as well as home and family concerns dominate your thought process, and exploring the resources you gain from self and from others. Your plans for the future are idealistic right now, as are your intentions toward the social circles that you favor, perhaps even to the point of self-deception. You are also becoming more aware of old patterns with regard to these group associations that underlie your vision for society at large. All this may be coming to a head at the time of the mid-month Full Moon, when you benefit by staying as alert as you can to all your possibilities.

As the month begins, you are plunging deep within your soul to find some important answers to questions that you didn't even know you were asking. This spelunking expedition into the roots of your very being has all the more poignancy for being a largely unconscious endeavor.

You are coming to perhaps an altogether absorbing and interesting phase in your process by the time of the First Quarter Moon, taking place on Thursday evening May 4th, when you are facing of necessity the harder realities of what you are trying to accomplish for yourself at this time, and when a somewhat constricted sense of your creative self-expression might serve to remind you of the contrast between what you wish for and what you feel you need at the moment to keep your head above water.

The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on Friday evening, May 12th, represents a dicey period of time for you, when you are taking input from others around you but in the final end are forced back into relying on yourself. You are subject to escapist fantasy at this time, or else perhaps the daring vision to accomplish what no one had previously thought possible; your actions and the eventual outcome will decide which.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Saturday, May 20th, could represent another time of potential trials and tension. During this entire month you are empowered as an individual in new ways that severely put you to the test, and you will see the result of hard work in the viability of your ideals coming to fruition, or else perhaps in the failure of that effort. In either case you are given the necessary lessons that you need in order to go on to your next phase. You are moving slowly or relatively rapidly up the mountain of your destiny, but the most important thing to realize is that move you must, for there is no turning back on your spiritual evolution that calls you forth.

Taurus      taurus

You really are out there in the world this month, Taurus, and yet you are also hiding yourself away in realms of thought and feeling far removed from daily existence. Your work in the world at this time participates in the ideal more fully than the real, which has its disadvantages, but most importantly brings you directly to the spiritual essence of the situation. You are likely to be making a fresh start on resolving previous patterns in this your birthday time of the year. You can utilize this period to see where you give your power to others or perhaps to acknowledge that knee-jerk reactions to outside control might at times be replaced by a more thoughtful and measured response. Then you take up your own authority.

As the month begins, you are coming into yourself in some new and different ways, in the wake of the April 27th New Moon in the early degrees of your sign. You are inhabiting some entirely mystical places inside yourself right now, so that your public presence in the world partakes of the mystery and numinousity of existence, even and perhaps especially with regard to your work and career issues. Only the path with heart, as Carlos Castaneda has it, will be fully satisfying to you at this time. There is a paradox within you, as you feel your presence in the world expanding and also the urge to delve into and perhaps restructure your home environment, or maybe just pull the covers up over your head.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, May 4th, represents a further moment of tension in the mix of energies swirling around and through you in these climactic times. You are pulled to the inside and simultaneously into relationship with others, stretching your reality. Your future is calling, but with a vastly different set of goals than you would have envisioned as recently as a few short weeks ago.

The Full Moon that comes along on Friday evening, May 12th, represents a new take on spiritual values in your life, and perhaps on significant partners in your world as well. You might find yourself re-visiting issues of self and other at this time, and of the ancient patterns of behavior that sometimes rise up to impede your clear vision.

The Last Quarter Moon of late Friday evening, and early Saturday, May 20th, ends a period of frustration with what you are able to accomplish concretely at this time in your old way of being in the world. You are shifting at the core. There is a way that beneficial partners are helping you to allow a pathway to open up, where before there had only been the surroundings of a rocky wasteland. The energy of others in your life can be entirely helpful to you at this time, bringing in their issues as grist for your mill, and enabling you to get a different perspective on your own.


A sea change is pervading your perspective during this monthly cycle, Gemini. You are in the swim of important transformation, half lost in dream worlds of the imagination, present yet responding to a higher reality. Nothing is more certain than your feet finally feeling themselves into their precise pathway forward, and nothing is more important for you right now than solving communication mysteries that have their clues in the past history of your interactions with others and the belief systems, like blinders, that you have created out of these early experiences.

As the month begins, you are likely to be almost completely lost to the world as we most commonly know it, in terms of outer events and deeds.

You are wrestling with divine guidance at this time, especially as the weekend and the First Quarter Moon nears, when there may be surprising information that comes to you in unexpected ways, resulting in a shake-up of business as usual. Opportunity is knocking all right, although it might be more than a little confusing as you attempt to discern what is being offered. You are solidifying your grip on your connections with others in important ways, even while remaining fuzzy as to your big picture perspective of exactly what is going on.

At the time of the Full Moon, on the following weekend of Friday, May 12th, you are feeling an enlargement of your perspective and a numinous interconnection with all of life, perhaps.

The Last Quarter Moon another week later on May 20th represents the verge of a breakthrough. An important lesson from the past must be learned and finally transcended, or else forgotten completely.

When the New Moon in your sign comes along in the final weekend of the month, late on Friday, May 26th, you are starting fresh, and with a fresh perspective, ready to take what you have gathered from this time of tuning your philosophical stance and stirring up your ingredients, delivering of yourself a more complex meal that is both richer and more soul satisfying.

Cancer      cancer

You are surfing the wave of your destiny right now, Cancer. This is an excellent time for visioning your future self into being, starting right at the very beginning of the month. You are in the midst of a cosmic process of increasing awareness, reaching out for heavenly assistance in gracefully moving through difficulty to an entirely new level, and your angel guidance is responding. Your creativity is stimulated, especially during the mid-month Full Moon in your sector of self-expression, when mystical poetry could become your favorite communication mode. Your desire to transform your life and leave behind old patterns of relating and sharing supports your need to transcend ordinary existence and break through barriers with intimate partners also. It's a paradox for you at this time that the more you give yourself away the more you have to give, and the more you have to give, the more you come back to center.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave from the New Moon near the end of last month in your sector of wishes and hopes and societal connection. This is the time to see your future emerging first as vision, and later on as reality over the course of the next few months.

There is likely to be a hitch in your progress that comes in sync with the Friday evening First Quarter Moon, a time of tension and concern when you are challenged by old patterns of belief and intimate connection, and when your own security needs might seem threatened by over-idealizing the role that others play in your life. There could be sudden new information that comes in at this time that may serve to shake up your perspective.

The Full Moon a week later represents another time of potential trial when the urge to merge with intimate partners is quite powerful in you. You are also strong in yourself at this time, and do well to step back and look for the deeper meaning of what you are going through. There is a way that you are strengthening your sense of responsible behavior during and even through the agency of cosmic epiphanies that you are currently engaged in.

The Last Quarter Moon taking place another week later, on the weekend of Saturday, May 20th, represents a time of transition, and a time of new awareness coming in. Throughout this period you are in an essentially fortunate place, riding the wave of your destiny, and finding new bedrock to hold onto, especially when you pay attention to all the signals coming your way without attempting to judge the information.

Leo      leo     

The tide is turning for you this month, Leo. You are entering into your own velvet evolution at this time, braving the waves of change and dissolving old patterns of partnership interaction that may have been holding you back from entering into your next stage with whole-hearted participation. A great burst of energy is coming your way right now, especially in these early days of May, and you do well to keep your head above water and be as aware as you can of your chances for growth as you plunge into career and professional life in a new way, at the same time as you engage in depth researches into your innermost motivations. Compassionate partners may provide the occasion for either over-idealizing their contribution, perhaps even to the point of outright deception, or else touching more completely the hidden core of truth that underlies your actions.

As the month begins, you are somewhat challenged in your self-concept following the New Moon from the end of last month, and working hard to maintain your poise. You are full of your work in the world these days, and stretching for inner harmony in that process. You may be feeling a bit isolated as you are in the midst of an important restructuring of your personal life. You gain a wider perspective the more that you tune in on the inside.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, May 4th, is an especially dicey time period for you. You are on the cross of commitment to the various parts of your nature, striving to take the high road through to a larger scale of integration between private and public intentions for yourself.

By the time of the Full Moon, late Friday night, May 12th, you may have resolved some of these issues. This is also a time when significant partnerships in your life are emphasized, with an element of idealization that could lead to confusion regarding motives. You are in a very mystical space with yourself right now, and yet entirely practical as well, seeking a synthesis. It might be time to simply embrace the paradox, for life seldom fits into neat little boxes, as we find as we go through, as much as we would like to believe that it does.

Your vision for yourself and your world reaches a positive sense of expansion with the New Moon of late Friday night, early Saturday, May 26th, when you are actively engaged in creating for yourself a new future.

Virgo      virgo

You are on a transformational journey this monthly cycle, Virgo. You are entertaining totally new thoughts regarding the nature of reality, or at least your reality, and inviting your Higher Mind into the act. You might become gloriously confused as you ponder just how to make yourself of true service to the world around you, going forward, which can also be a Good Thing. You are more than ready to shuck the past and all its trials and traumas, as you sum up the previous chapter and the primary direction your life has taken thus far with the idea of making necessary course adjustments.

As the month begins, you are in the midst of a radical shift in perspective, following the New Moon from the end of last month in your sector of higher mind and educational initiative.

When the First Quarter Moon takes place in the first week of the current month, late on Friday evening, May 4th, you are stretched between old priorities and new ones, as you seek to reconcile ordinary outer communication with the information that comes from deep inside, which is reality of a vastly different order. You may experience at this time a powerful urge to communicate this inner awareness to others around you, and yet be almost at a loss for words to describe it adequately within your circle.

There is a way that you just have to let the dust settle before you will know exactly what you are feeling, and this can be disconcerting until you sit back and have faith in your process, and aim to simply enjoy the ride without worrying very much about where your life is leading you at the moment.

At the time of the Full Moon in another week, you are still very much dwelling in the mystery. Breakthrough will occur later on, in the last week of the month. Although you are normally so good at seeing what has to be done in the outer world of details and schedules, and then doing it, the set of goals and perceptions that come to you now are not so clear, although they are perhaps just as important for you long term.

You are making a numinous foray into a new type of apprenticeship to the divine within your soul, a way of traveling through your life that represents your highest intention for yourself, going forward, finding more things in heaven and earth, as the poet says, than you had previously dreamt of.

Libra     libra

You are doing a great impersonation of a naval commander these days, Libra, with damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead, and with steady as she goes. You have an undeniable strong and sturdy focus on your future right now, and the deliberate application of pressure that you muster serves you well. You are likely to be largely successful at this time in fighting off old patterns of achievement and reactivity to authority, especially the more you are conscious of them, as you simultaneously and perhaps paradoxically dwell in the magic of idealized results and fortunate finances. At bottom, you seek to transform your creative output toward a truly multi-dimensional approach, coming on strong in work and play to express all your different energies, not least the compassionate heart spaces within you.

As the month begins, you are working with issues of intimacy, feeling what it might be like to be closer to the ideal of connection that you inwardly aspire to, and at the same time taking a serious look at where you might be headed with your own plans. This is a month of transforming yourself along the lines of a future that makes sense and yet is wildly idealistic at the very same time. You are inhabiting creative spaces of numinous interconnection and also pulling back from actually merging with others around you, especially significant partnerships in your life.

These questions might come to a head around the time of the First Quarter Moon taking place early in the month, on Friday evening, May 4th. Then you will be drawn to others and yet also a bit paradoxically feeling the potential wound of too much closeness with them. Sorting out and balancing the various possibilities may well be your task through this monthly cycle, as you find your own way forward depending on the helpful input from partnerships in your life, but not too much.

The Full Moon a week later, on the weekend of Friday, May 12th, brings these issues of self and other even more strongly to the fore, and serves to increase both the spiritual necessity of some kind of third factor solution, and as well the confusion implicit in these departures from your previous patterns in this regard.

You are coming to a new understanding as the month unwinds, and you do well to simply witness your changes and challenges at this time without trying very hard to make logical sense of your situation.

Scorpio      scorpio

You are setting the bar a little higher this month, Scorpio. Your presence in the world carries more weight than it used to, breaking previous records. Success is definitely within your grasp right now, but it takes working at it diligently. Partnership concerns play a pivotal role for you in forging the career ties that are necessary to achieve your goals. That plus talking a good hard look inside yourself to see where you might be caught, and how those ancient patterns of behavior that no longer serve you could even be holding you back.

As the month begins, what is very much on your mind are the significant partners in your life. You are coming to your relationship patterns from a different standpoint lately, getting an entirely new perspective based on taking a good hard look at the very core of your personality. There are issues that you haven't been able, or perhaps willing, to face until now, ways that you inhabit your world that go back to your childhood roots. There may be knee-jerk reactions to authority stemming from this earlier time, when you were less competent to handle the trials of life, that might be affecting the way you handle your relationships up to and including the present day.

Some creative tension comes into the mix at the time of the First Quarter Moon of Thursday evening, May 4th. This the crux of a period when you are very focused on your work in the world, and there may be conflicts between your public and your private persona that come up for you right now. You are testing what is possible in terms of relationship that partakes of the bigger picture viewpoint of your existence as a whole.

The Full Moon period of time, culminating on the evening of Friday, May 12th, might bring surprising insights to your process. You are almost lost at this time in your inner awareness, feeling at one with all of nature, possibly also with important partners in your life, and dealing at the very same time with competing forces of merging and staying separate, tending your own garden.

These issues could perhaps come to a head along the way to the Gemini New Moon near month's end, on Friday, May 26th, when you are attempting an adjustment to your security needs and a fresh start on patterns of intimacy. There are cosmic forces essentially on your side that your willful nature is coming up against, struggling against the tide, and things might go better for you when you allow for the possibility of instead aligning your inner self along with them.

Sagittarius     sagittarius

You are exploring the mystery right now, Sagittarius. Throughout this monthly cycle you find yourself attracted and even magnetized by the deeply other-dimensional spaces within you that the navigational system of merely mundane existence can allow you to approach but not enter. You are communicating your truth these days from internal soul-level places, telling it like it is in ways that go far beneath and beyond the surface layers of your mind. What this is about, especially during the weekend following the mid-May Full Moon, is a new potential vision for yourself and your world that includes concepts of service to a higher intention within you than you have been able to allow yourself to experience up to now.

As the month begins, you are tuning yourself up for a very different destiny than you have experienced until now. Intimate partners have expressed themselves in ways that startle you out of your customary patterns and you are beginning to get the message. A further enlargement of how you see your pathway forward is taking place right now, and it's hard work, but very rewarding long term, as your point of view is makes a significant shift.

The first weekend of the month, beginning on Friday, May 4th, is a crucial one for your progress toward your goals, a time that could feel destabilizing although it is just the puzzle pieces of your life rearranging themselves into a new configuration.

The Full Moon that comes along a week later, on late Friday evening, May 12th, brings you to some important realizations based on what you've been through in the past, and as well from tuning into your own deep interior process as a guidepost. Throughout this monthly cycle you are refining your idea of who you really are or could be in this world, and how the outreach that you can muster fits in with your higher-self intention that you have had all along.

The New Moon in your relationship sector that follows in the last weekend of the month, on late evening Friday, May 26th, presents you with a fresh opportunity for growth and brings the feedback of helpful partners to bear on your own cycle of development. It's a difficult and yet also a joyful process that you are engaged in this month, one that partakes as much of the mystery as the logical solution. It's simply a time to fully dwell in the paradox; a time when you'll want to communicate deeply to others around you but will hardly know what to say.

Capricorn    capricorn

You are on a cosmic roll these days, Capricorn, sliding up rather than down the slippery slope. You are soaring in your self-expression, but left perhaps with nagging concerns regarding finances and resources, and your physical plane security generally. You're not used to such fuzzy thinking regarding these important issues, but that is the situation right now. You are depending for the time being on the resources of others and that has its obvious disadvantages. The up side is greater integration with all of surrounding creation, your intimate acquaintances not excluded, and perhaps most important of all, with the mystical soul self within you that only needs your heartfelt invitation to come as is to the party.

As the month begins you are exploring new facets of your self-expression, finding a way forward out of no way. There are security needs that you have been feeling your way into that may still not be coming clear. You are romancing the mystery of life right now, caught up in a fuzzy theater of the imagination where your feet keep tracking even though they turn out to have been off the ground the whole time.

At the moment of the First Quarter Moon, late on Friday, May 4th, you are experiencing a certain degree of difficulty with real-world concerns versus your commitment to a higher reality within you and the possibility of transformation in your life. It's only a question of how far you can go.

The Full Moon brings a feeling of self-satisfaction and at least the outline of a solution, and the realization that wherever you might have gotten to is the place that you were intended to go all along. As channeled being Abraham states it, "if you ignore a problem, don't worry, it will get worse" and then you won't be able to ignore it any longer.

By the time of the New Moon in the last weekend of the month, beginning on Friday, May 26th, you'll have a better sense of where you are truly headed.

Aquarius      aquarius

You are in dreamy and yet activist alignment with your higher power right now, Aquarius. As the month unwinds, you find yourself plowing through old traumas with an optimistic intention of healing these stuck places inside yourself that have been ruling your behavior in a more or less unconscious way for so many years. Coming into compassionate acceptance of yourself is a big first step. You are also attracted to putting stable partnerships at the center of your agenda right now, and that serves you well in the long run as you make your way forward into wholeness. You are reaching for the pot of gold, and you'll find it at the end of the multi-dimensional rainbow of your own inner process.

As the month begins, you are concentrating your attention on the home front, in the wake of the New Moon from the end of last month in your sector of family concerns and issues of your own psychological roots. Digging in for a more solid reality in terms of interpersonal relationships, you are nevertheless pulled to the inner core of your own process for the foundation of your connection with others.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday, May 4th, brings some degree of push-pull to your relationship investigations and to your own inner exploration. There is a way that old wounds of "not good enough" could come up for you at this time, along with perhaps a numinous feeling of otherworldly access where you sense an almost psychic link with others around you. There may even be a tendency to lapse into self-sacrifice at this time, which in its positive manifestation can be seen as support for disadvantaged others. It is one thing to give willingly to others around you who are in need of your assistance and yet another to give over the most important part of yourself, disregarding healthy boundaries, and your task is to discern the difference as this crucial month unfolds.

The Full Moon of late evening Friday, May 12th, could emphasize these tendencies, putting you to a further test.

Finally, the Last Quarter Moon that takes place a week later, late on Friday evening the 19th, presents you with a crisis in awareness regarding these types of challenges, preparing the way for a new dawn of self-acceptance with the coming New Moon on the last weekend of the month. It is vital to remember throughout these unfolding cycles of awareness that there is in the very midst of them a profound opening for positive change to take place.

Pisces    pisces

You are living in a world of dream imagination these days, Pisces. Even when you are not sleeping, the mysteries of this life occupy more of your waking mind than the so-called realties of day-to-day existence. Especially during the first few days of the month, your communication with others around you is a powerful factor, and you are intent on telling this deeper truth to anyone who is able to hear you. You are stepping your philosophy up to a whole other level with the Full Moon of May 12th - coming on strong in both addressing and paying attention to others. While you are operating from that still small place deep inside your soul, your listening is profound.

As the month begins, communication is the name of your game. You are getting more and more of a big picture understanding of your situation these days, and feel the importance of transmitting this information to the outer world around you. Tuning in to the inner truth you are experiencing so profoundly lately has its natural consequence in allowing you to transcend self-centered motivations and feel the urge to connect with the remainder of humanity at large, and to serve the evolutionary flow of not only your own life, but the life of others around you. You are exemplifying the startling idea that we're all in this together.

The period of time surrounding the First Quarter Moon that takes place on Thursday, May 4th, is an exciting stage in your process of growth and change, as powerful forces from literally beyond this earthly realm conspire to jump start your spiritual activism.

The Full Moon that comes along on the following weekend, late on Friday, May 12th, represents a time of further sharing, when you are more ready than ever to enact a new vision for yourself and your world. You are committed at this time to principles of service to a larger whole, and only slightly troubled by nagging doubts as to your own effectiveness in this ongoing struggle.

Overview of the Planets this month:

The Astrology of May features Saturn, Chiron and Neptune. Saturn and Neptune are opposite cousins, representing the limitations of practical real-world situations versus the numinous idealism of a truly multi-dimensional awareness as epitomized in music and poetry. Their combination is a theme for the entire collective right now, since they are widely opposed to each other. The opposition perfects this summer, and remains within orb through August of 2007, suggesting over this entire period of time either the descent into escapist fantasy or else rising above disappointment to make our spiritual ideals of more practical concern in our daily lives.

The Taurus – Scorpio Full Moon of Friday night, May 12th forms a T-Square to Neptune, bringing the otherworldly more directly into our conscious awareness at that time. Saturn in the early degrees of Leo is also fully activated during May, since the April 27th New Moon that began this monthly cycle squares both Saturn and Chiron.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also prominent this month, symbolizing the difficult places inside us that we need to accept for healing to take place, and where we then have the empathy to reach out toward others. Saturn is opposite Chiron as well as Neptune at this time, bringing back a touch of the wound of misplaced authority that we saw as recently as February. We may be forced throughout May to take a stand against those who would co-opt our power, or against our own tendency to knuckle under to an outside authority that does not represent our truest intentions for ourselves. And throughout the month we must face the limitations of Saturn, stern taskmaster that enforces discipline and gives us the determination to achieve our goals in spite of everything.

There will be a spiritual component to our struggle at this time, since numinous Neptune is also involved during this monthly cycle, being especially triggered at the time of the Full Moon. We may become very aware of the contrast between the ideal and the practical, which can show itself as either a depression of Spirit and pulling back from our dreams, or else a move forward in order to make more concretely manifest our fondest wishes for the world around us. Taking a stand for ourselves involves also paying close attention to that inner voice that tells us true no matter what the purveyors of a simple-minded materialism might say to the contrary.

Current Configurations

The New Moon that began this month's cycle took place on April 27th. This New Moon squared Saturn and also Chiron, bringing up new recognition of where we are caught up in giving our power away to an outside authority that doesn't really serve us. Jupiter also squares the Chiron / Neptune midpoint at this time, bring spiritual process and uncertainty to the fore. We are all collectively trying to make the transition from the intuition of hypocritical religious forms to our own deeper understanding that may have nothing to do with the outer forms of religious practice but which has everything to do with their spiritual truth in our lives.

The First Quarter Moon of Thursday evening, May 4th, is a powerful one which emphasizes the opposing planetary energies of Saturn and Chiron / Neptune once again, bringing some the above-mentioned issues to a head and bringing in also the sudden enlightenment of trickster Uranus, at the same degree of Pisces, and therefore aspected by this Sun and Moon. A Grand Trine of Jupiter, Uranus and Mars is constellated by this configuration, so optimistic action in support of our spiritual ideals can have surprising consequences.

The Full Moon of late Friday evening, May 12th, forms a T-square to Neptune and triggers the idealism and also the uncertainty of this numinous otherworldly energy. We may be drawn to escapist fantasy, or else to the optimistic belief in ourselves and our world that make all things possible, as we seek to make manifest our most deeply held dreams for humanity.

The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, May 20th, takes place in the last degree of the sign of Taurus. This is the traditional "crisis of consciousness" that Dane Rudhyar speaks of, when we must evaluate our actions in the light of what is concretely possible for us at this time.

The New Moon in Gemini takes place the last weekend of the month, on Friday night, May 26th, and again constellates Saturn although in a milder sextile aspect, while it trines Chiron. As we reflect on what we have been through over the previous four weeks, a new phase is opening up in our awareness of the world around us, and in our ability to communicate this awareness to others in our circle.

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