Astrology Page Current Month ALL HOROSCOPES HOME Horoscope
for September 2005 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun
sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both
the ego (mental) self and
the higher Self (soul purpose). It represents your will and sense
of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
are very volatile times for you, Aries. You may feel as though the very
foundation of your sanctuary in the world is crumbling as a result of challenges
coming fast and furious this month and next. It is well at these times
to remember that the true basis of your security lies not alone in your
physical surroundings but in recognizing your highest purpose for yourself
in this lifetime and acknowledging the role the universe plays in bringing
that about in your life. If you take the high road and expect miracles,
you'll have plenty of evidence to back you up in the weeks ahead.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd is an eye-opener in terms of where
you are heading right now. There may be unexpected epiphanies regarding your
true calling that come to you just at this time, when you are engaged making
a fresh start on your mission statement, and getting very serious and intent
regarding your creative presentation. This entire month in fact the underpinning
of your beliefs is gradually changing, making way for a new birth in this area.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th, is an important turning point,
when some tensions could arise, but when the transformational impulse at the
root of your challenges is also strong and will see you through in the end.
Positive partners are also valuable to you at this time, and help you on your
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th represents another tuning point,
when you will benefit to the extent that you can relax and let your inner guiding
angels into the act. You are in the process of reinventing yourself somewhat
right now, although not of course making a complete break with your earlier
self, and an important component of what you are about is the beneficent influence
of Spirit guiding your steps, to the extent that you are able to open to the
The Fall Equinox of September 22nd and the Last Quarter Moon that follows two
days later, on Saturday, September 24th, represent another period of change,
when partnership becomes even more important to you, along with the realization
that you can't go it all alone. Paradoxically, you can't completely rely on
partners either, but must seek a balance of self and other to achieve your
aims, as far as you are able with the help of Goddess to discern them.
Your future plans are changing right before your eyes this month,
Taurus. You are also perhaps having to re-think in the light of current circumstances
your recent aggressive urges, or at least a form of self-assertion that you
have been bringing to the fore lately. The time is ripe for a new beginning
with the way you put yourself out there into the world, and how you commit
with intimate partners as well. You are reshaping your possibilities.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, comes as something of a shock to your
system, since there are likely to be sudden changes of fortune that accompany
the start of this lunar cycle, and new awareness that comes in different forms
throughout the rest of the month, until the next New Moon. You are renewing
your societal connection at this time, and friendships and groups with whom
you associate may be present to you in a different way than before. It's an
exciting time to be alive.
The First Quarter Moon, of Sunday, September 11th, represents a point when
you are more fully engaged in the new initiatives so recently begun, when the
rubber meets the road so to speak, with changes you are contemplating and perhaps
struggling to make. There may be tensions that arise at this time, which can
also be creative, and productive of new insights for you. Partnership with
significant others in your life is also up for you at this time, and is likely
to be productive of new insights also, perhaps in part exploring how you do
intimacy with another.
At the time of the Full Moon, taking place on Saturday, September 17th, these
issues are natural ones to come once again to the forefront of your awareness.
The way that you connect with intimate partners is just another version of
the way that you connect with yourself, at deep levels, a fact that may be
brought out by your adventures over the course of the month.
The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 24th, that follows the Fall Equinox,
represents another turning point in your process of growth, a time of new awareness.
You are remaking yourself in many ways over this monthly cycle, including how
you present yourself to the rest of the world, how you assert yourself, where
you find your concept of service and how you plug yourself into the larger
picture of society around you, not to mention your relationship dynamic and
your connection with your own deep spiritual center. It's a tall order, but
one that you were made to fulfill.
You are getting closer to yourself and to your dwelling place this month,
Gemini, taking your eclectic approach to life and focalizing in the area of
home and family concerns. An expansive and optimistic sense of self yields
rewards in terms of changing relationship dynamic and challenges in partnership
for you also as the month unfolds. An overriding sense of spiritual connection,
that strengthens as the month unfolds, forges an important link between self
and other, public and private, making for an experience of the whole as definitely
more than the sum of parts.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, initiates you into a new version of
yourself and brings some surprising events into play as well, especially in
the area of your career and professional life. You are indwelling and holding
an interior focus at this time, paying attention to where you live both in
a physical sense and a more metaphysical one, opening up to a new inner vision,
making a new way forward.
The First Quarter Moon, of Sunday, September 11th, brings to a boiling point
several potentially thorny issues of relationship, inner heart workings, and
an expansive sense of self, acting for the most part in concert with each other
and also perhaps throwing some creative tension into the mix.
The Fall Equinox of September 22nd represents another stage in your unfolding.
By the time of the Full Moon taking place on Saturday, September 17th, you
are more open to sharing your vision with the world at large, even though there
is still a strong commitment to your inner universe as an important factor
in where you feel that you are heading these days. This mid-month period of
time is quite an important one for you, productive of long-range plans and
a better-developed sense of self.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Saturday evening, September 24th, represents another
point of creative tension between the various pieces of the puzzle you are
trying to assemble from your life thus far, a time of growing awareness as
a result of the challenges you continue to successfully face as the month unwinds.
The juice for you right now is largely in the unseen and the relatively unknown.
Try to tune in the messages of Spirit that come to you, perhaps in dreams,
perhaps by intuition, perhaps in barely conscious reverie during your quietest
You are making a fresh start on outreach this month, Cancer. What awaits
you in this period of time is a whole new way of looking at the day and telling
your truth about it to others around you, beginning as it does with a powerful
New Moon in your communications sector. You are reaching down to the depths
of your being and pulling out treasure of experience to not only share with
others but to inform your own transforming vision of how you need to proceed
in the world, the steps you need to take to in alignment with your highest
purpose, that pathway forward that is uniquely yours, the dharma that you came
into this life to fulfill.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, may bring surprises. You are finding
new insights at this time to inform your vision for the future. A perspective
shift in the works for you right now may be sudden in its effect on your life.
The First Quarter Moon that follows a week later, on Sunday, September 11th,
is a time when the universe is asking you to get serious about potential changes
to the way you see yourself going forward into the future. You are mining your
depths to produce the pearl of wisdom right now, changing your outlook. This
is also a time when vision must confront reality in terms of what you can actually
accomplish, and when you might find yourself questioning the way you are of
service to others in the world, perhaps the issue will arise of just how much
to give without giving too much.
The Full Moon in your higher mind sector represents another turning point in
your process of awareness and growth, and really speaks to you of spiritual
oneness and dawning perspectives of your true work in the world.
The Fall Equinox that comes on Thursday, September 22nd, draws you toward a
more interior point of view, affirming the notion that who you are on the inside
is at least as important as the outer presentation, if not more so.
The Last Quarter Moon a few days later also has its effect in increased awareness
of your situation, the difficulties inherent in all change and the potential
rewards as well. You are in some sense reinventing yourself in the course of
this monthly cycle, and who will come out the other side only time will tell.
Welcome to the exploding world of infinite possibility, Leo. You are coming
into yourself in some very new and different ways this month, remaining grounded
in practicality and yet in another way, not at all grounded. The gods are conspiring
to shake up your security and plunge you over a waterfall into a brand new
psychological setting. Your active business interests lately are both vitalized
and transformed by this process, and continue to shift over the next three
months, through the end of the year. The opportunity is there for you in multiple
forms, you have only to choose. The ultimate result will be a new way of being
in the world, new goals, and new eyes.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, initiates you into your process of
flowering, unpacking and realigning your values into a different connection
with others around you, especially intimate partnerships, and with your own
link to Spirit inside. You have been in some ways taking yourself so seriously
lately, and perhaps it is time for a break.
The First Quarter Moon, of Sunday, September 11th, is both a call to arms and
a sanity check on your process. You are more energized than ever but it might
be good to take space right now for reflection on your process of growth and
change. Staying centered in your own inner awareness of yourself is a trick
while the world is so much with you, but one well worth the time it takes to
The Full Moon, of Saturday, September 17th, is a reminder again to take stock
of where you are heading in your life, and to share your plans and aspirations
with like-minded others. Feedback is important, and keeping your balance also.
The Last Quarter Moon, of the evening of Saturday, September 24th, represents
another nexus of energy, when your awareness is inevitably raised regarding
your situation, and the role that Spirit plays in your life, crucial in spite
of the emphasis on surface events that is fed to you by the surrounding society.
Your career is coming to an important turning point in the weeks ahead, and
it is vital to keep your center and keep yourself grounded not in the glittery
world out there, but in your ultimate faith in a benevolent universe, always
there to support you just when you need it the most.
It's a brave new world that you are entering this month, Virgo. You are
making an important fresh start with your basic understanding of who you really
are, beneath the surface as well as above it, in this your birthday time of
the year. You are for sure in the midst of a shakeup, with your values shifting
at the core, and your home environment also subject to transformation. Relationship
with significant partners is also a changing landscape these days, with new
insights coming almost faster than you can assimilate them. It's all about
the development of a new outlook on your life in general, with new eyes to
see the world and a new voice to share your vision with others around you.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, initiates you into a new version of
yourself, one that takes others into account but not too much. There may be
startling events at this time, especially in the area of partnership with significant
others in your life, that may help you to a different paradigm.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th, is a turning point on the
road to your self-discovery, one that may prove challenging as well as rewarding
for you. Your comprehension of yourself in the depths of your being has shifted,
and this newfound sense of self propels a shift in worldview that in turn results
in better communication with others around you, including your own higher self.
Resistance to the changes you find yourself in the midst of causes pain, but
it is difficult to let go.
The Full Moon, of Saturday, September 17, represents another turn of the wheel,
when you may take the leap into a very different self-concept. As with the
natural tendency with any Full Moon, you will feel called to include others
into your process, to share newfound insights and to allow the perspective
of others to shore up your own recently conceived ideations.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Saturday, September 24th also presents you with some
challenges to your process, together with an increasing awareness of the new
perspective you have gained over the course of this monthly cycle. The most
important changes for you right now are happening below the surface level of
your personality where few can see, and these deeper level changes constitute
the core of your process throughout this monthly period. It may be scary to
face these more private parts of yourself, but to the extent that you can you
will emerge more whole, more fully present to yourself and to others as well.
You are more invested in your interior realms this month, Libra, than in
the so-called real world that surrounds you. There's a way that you are uniquely
yourself that is reflected in your inner life, quite apart from the outer persona
that is seen, and seen in part as a reflection in the eyes of the world. You
belong deep inside to a different universe. Maybe you really do come from the
stars; at least it could feel that way during this monthly period between New
Moons as you wander through the vast and yeasty corridors behind and beyond
your conscious mind. Your values and resources and your communication with
others are also your focus at this time, but seen through the distant lens
of a more universal perspective. You may also find that ups and downs of health
and fitness or new insights regarding concepts of service to others and your
true path forward in this life are part of your cosmic homework assignment
as this lunation period unfolds.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, initiates activity for you that is
literally out of this world. You may find that fresh ideas are dawning regarding
your passageway forward, in a manner that is more consistent with the urgings
of Spirit inside you, leading you on. What plans you had that you thought were
set in stone may come unraveled as surprising events take your thinking into
another direction.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th, is a particularly volatile
one, when there is plenty of energy for connecting with others around you,
perhaps in the sense of intimate connection with significant partners. Even
more ordinary levels of communication are charged at this time and subject
to some degree of polarization. Try not to get lost in the worldly shuffle;
you are seeking the deeper meaning.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th, pulls you out of yourself and into
sharper focus with others around you. Your values and your resources, including
finances, are another important area for you at this time, and may be stuck
in some way or perhaps subject to unusual fluctuations. With your more cosmic
perspective, you may begin to think of them not in strictly material terms,
but as symbols for your presence in the social setting, emblems of security,
nothing more.
The Fall Equinox and the days following, beginning on September 22nd, and ending
with the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday evening, September 24th, represents
an important and culminating period of time, when you are coming to still another
turning point in your self-to-other interaction, one of passionate embrace
with the world around you, productive of new insights. There is as always the
self you bring to outer events and the self to which you remain true on the
inside, far beyond what others see of you.
Your bubble is about to burst, Scorpio, although this is not necessarily
a bad thing. You of all people should know that a snake has to shed its skin,
and a human being his or her illusions, before they can get on with the business
of growth that nature calls them to. Your future plans are subject to some
readjustments in the course of this month's journey, along with dramatic shifts
in your very way of presenting yourself to others and also your creative output.
If you were a visual artist you would be experimenting like mad with different
colors and techniques. Not the least of these changes in the wind for you right
now involves your relationship dynamic with significant partners in your life,
which is also undergoing a metamorphosis in the current timeframe, and in the
weeks and months ahead.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, reflects sudden departures and new
insights regarding your self-expression. With a fresh start in your sector
of friendship, group association and societal connection, this is an excellent
time to vision new possibilities for yourself. The wheel of your life is turning
and there's no way to take any of it back.
The First Quarter Moon, of Sunday, September 11th, is a time when you may be
challenged by the changes involved in your recent growth spurt, when you need
traction to keep on keeping on with what you're up to. At this time also, partnership
is very important in your life, and your relationship interactions may be subject
to a changing dynamic. You are finding perhaps that your deep unconscious process
plays a huge role in how you relate to others around you, and that fortunate
circumstances conspire to make you more aware of it than ever before. Things
may get a little dicey at times, but the realizations are for your ultimate
benefit if you can stay the course.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th, serves as a reminder to take everything
seriously and yet not, as the playful parts of yourself are also deserving
of recognition. Heart and mind, surface presentation and deep soul purpose,
all are you, and you are seeking a better integration in the course of this
month's migrations.
The Fall Equinox of September 22nd and the Last Quarter Moon that follows on
Saturday evening, September 24th, draw you further to the inside as this self-reflective
time of the year begins. You are reaching out to others in order to fall back
on yourself as the only piece of the puzzle that you can completely rely on,
and this is very fine as long as you don't get too hung up on the paradox.
The nature of the soul is paradox, as a wise man once said, and we have only
to get our more logical perspective out of the way of our understanding.
Welcome once more to the transformational stew, Sagittarius. Profound life
change is something that it takes getting used to all right, but you must be
getting used to it by now. Even after all these months of major metamorphosis
you are still in the midst of important adjustments. At this point in time,
your focus is on your work in the world, your public statement, and how accurately
that reflects your unique self at the core of your personality and combines
positively with your chosen intention for this lifetime. You are wrapped up
with making it big right now, but fortunately for the rest of the world you
are also all about service to others at this time, and energetically pursuing
your highest purpose for yourself.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, makes for a fresh start in business
matters, although with a few twists along the road. There may be surprising
events around the time of this New Moon for everyone, and in your case these
may serve to shake up your core concepts and bring fresh insights to bear on
your situation.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th, representing a crisis of
accomplishment in some form, could be even more telling. You are transforming
at the core of your being right now, and the changes definitely show in the
way that you present yourself in the world, and in your own drive toward achievement.
You are beginning to get the idea that accomplishment just for the sake of
it is an empty victory, that service to others is actually service to your
own higher self, and that an optimistic and perhaps even rosy picture of the
future can only emerge with an attitude and a work ethic consistent with your
vision and intention for the best spiritual as well as material result.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th, opens you to a new way of seeing
yourself in your work, and of including others in your process also. You are
strongly committed at this time to making the best version of yourself that
you can muster. Building up your spiritual bank account is hard work but rewarding
on all levels especially for the sake of the future. You are striving for a
future for yourself that you can really live with, in spite of the odds.
The Last Quarter Moon, which follows the Fall Equinox by a couple of days,
taking place on Saturday, September 24th, is naturally a time of in-gathering,
when the lessons of the previous cycle can be assessed and the seeds of that
experience gathered for the next. Through your many changes you are on course
for major life enhancement. Just make sure of putting all your eggs into the
right basket.
You are making a fresh start this month on finding your way forward, Capricorn.
Some adventure is in the works for you, and it may involve travel or educational
perspectives, and it may involve romance, or simply enjoying the creative vitality
you feel at this time. Your intimate connection with others around you is subject
to new insights and departures, with surprises in store for you in this area
of your life. All in all, your philosophical stance, the way you view the world,
is sure to change to accommodate a new vision for success in business and career
and also in putting your best foot forward. You are focusing on new ways of
getting yourself out there these days, and taking your deep unconscious process
firmly into account while doing so. It's a potent combination.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, brings new insights and surprises
to the mix of your activities, especially as relating to the intimate Other.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th is a potentially volatile
one for you, presenting challenges with a component straight out of your deep
unconscious process, and resulting in considerable creative energy. It might
prove invaluable at this time to find an outlet in physical exertion.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th, brings these same issues once more
to a head, and the suggestion is that there be some sharing of your process
with others around you. Your communication skills will be at their peak so
taking advantage of them might make sense for you at this time.
The Fall Equinox, taking place on Thursday, September 22nd, is a time when
career and professional life will flourish for you. The pull of your unconscious
is also strong at this time, and leads you down some different roads than you
were expecting.
The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday evening, September 24th, represents a time
of increasing awareness of your true situation, independent of other voices
tugging at you, the dawning of new insights. You are transforming your relationship
to Spirit during this entire monthly period. Just remember to breathe.
This is an important month for working out the kinks in your self-concept,
Aquarius. You are very tied to home and family concerns right now, and delving
into your psychological depths, and investigating the root causes of your actions.
You are also all about partnership and intimacy with significant others in
your life right now, and reaching out to yourself as well, seeking to solidify
your understanding through the helpful and reality grounded mirrors of others
around you. You values are very much tied to your partner's viewpoint during
this period of time. Through it all you are seeking the deeper meaning, the
one that will last you at least through the rest of this incarnation.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, in your sector of intimacy and personal
transformation, brings to a fine point a new version of relationship that goes
to the heart of the matter. You are connecting with the intimate Other, but
really and ultimately with yourself and your own process of development. This
balance of self and other will be your mantra as the month unfolds.
The First Quarter Moon of Sunday, September 11th, takes you out of yourself
in a different way, reinforcing your connection with group identity that you
have been perhaps struggling with lately. There is a beneficial flow to your
involvement with societal groups right now, and it reflects back to your understanding
of who you are at the deepest level of your being.
The Full Moon, of Saturday, September 17th, marks another place in time when
you are reaching out to others and also taking care of yourself, and becoming
very aware of the distinction. Your point of view is subtly shifting to accommodate
a larger viewpoint of who you are and what you are about in this lifetime.
Connecting with others is a big help, but the real connection that you make
is on the inside.
At the time of the Last Quarter Moon, on Saturday, September 24th, your awareness
of this bridge between self and other is doubled as you review in your mind
the progress of your development thus far. Not every impulse has its full flowering
and some of yours may have withered along the way, but the value remains as
a seed idea that takes you forward into the next phase. We are always growing,
ever evolving, until that final silence, and there's nothing to do but to go
with that flow, wherever it might ultimately take you.
a big month for partnership, Pisces. You are making giant headway in this area,
although not without some pain and difficulty, definitely transformation, especially
in the area of your belief system and your public statement that you make to
others through the stands you take in your work in the world. There could also
be travel or educational plans in the works for you these days, as well as
a refreshed sense of self. Your boat is rocking right now and you have no choice
but to roll along with it into the new dawn.
The New Moon of Saturday, September 3rd, brings startling epiphanies and renewed
commitment to your path. Your focus is also on partnership with others at this
time, seeing how the reflection you get from significant others helps shape
your understanding and self-definition. There's a wild-card in the mix however,
with the trickster Uranus standing tall in your house of identity. The only
thing you can expect is the unexpected at this time.
The First Quarter Moon represents some tensions and challenges that may come
your way to help refine your process of growth. There is loads of energy for
powerful communication with others around you as part of coming into better
terms with how you project in the world of work and career. You may for example
be seeking control in an area where control is illusory, and you have to give
up the illusion in order to have any control at all. Through these interesting
experiments in interaction you are learning also how relationship with others
works and doesn't work in your life.
The Full Moon, of Saturday, September 17th, provides more of the same energy
for change along with the focus on helpful partners. This is a time for the
balance of self and other, when you take what you are made of out to the street
for a test drive, but without investment in the outcome if not everyone salutes,
a time for coming more fully into yourself.
Your process of growth and renewed self-understanding reaches another crux
at the time of the Last Quarter Moon, late evening on Saturday, September 24th,
when issues of intimacy and self development and the balance between them abound
in your psyche, perhaps triggered by events that unfold for you at this time..
You are seeking the high road through all these challenges, but that will not
come without some fundamental changes being made. If you are open to ringing
out the old more willingly than reluctantly things will go the best possible
way for you that they can go, and who could ask for more?
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of September features Mars, Uranus, and Pluto, and the Virgo
New Moon of September 3rd, as well as the Virgo-Pisces Full Moon of
September 17th. The New Moon opposes Uranus, making for a volatile
and exciting Lunar cycle this month, while the Full Moon conjoins Mercury,
and accompanies a Yod aspect pattern to a slowing Mars. Mars will retrograde
on October 1st for about a ten-week period of time that lasts into
December. At the time of his retrograde and leading up to it, for the
last two thirds of the current month of September, Mars also aspects
Pluto, making for a volatile mix of energy.
Mars and Pluto are linked to each other by an inconjunct aspect, of
150 degrees, and also to Jupiter for the entire month, Mars by the
same 150 degree aspect, as Jupiter and Pluto sextile each other. This
formation, called a Yod aspect pattern, focuses tremendous energy for
change on the focal point, Mars in this case, and gets tighter after
the First Quarter Moon on September 11th. And then too Mars is also
at the same time slowing and getting ready to turn retrograde next
month, and therefore closer to Earth and more prominent in the nighttime
What does this Mars emphasis signify? For one thing, if the less evolved
response is invoked, there could be anger and even violence flaring
up. If we can take the high road and step back from anger to see what
is triggering us, there could be the chance for a new way of looking
at our aggression and our self-assertion, vitally necessary to our
well-being as humans, and yet often overlooked as not the "nice" response
to situations. Anger can be a useful emotion when properly channeled.
There may be a different way of seeing our aggressive or our self-defensive
urges or to temper our anger with wisdon right now that takes us into
new territory. Transformation of our assertive energy, one way or another,
is what we'll get in the weeks to come, especially through the end
of this current month.
Uranus and Pluto
Uranus and Pluto are the revolutionary planets, and with both of them
emphasized this month there could be a form of rebellion in the air,
a leaving behind of the status quo. We might remember that when they
conjoined in the sixties, they signaled massive changes in the surrounding
social order of that day. It is also interesting that Saturn aspects
Uranus all month long, another inconjunct, symbolizing an uneasy alliance
between these two planetary energies, of grounded physical reality
versus the intuitive vision for necessary change. Saturn is in Leo,
where it signifies difficulty in getting what we want, requiring a
great deal of effort in the process but productive in the end, while
Uranus is in Pisces, tending to increase the dreaminess inherent in
that sign. To stay in grounded connection with this physical plane
or to abandon it almost entirely to let our imaginations play amongst
the starry conceptions of the astral realm would be the classic conundrum.
Vision precedes fundamental change, and that is where the revolutionary
effect of Uranus is chiefly felt.
But the effect of Pluto is more revolutionary
than that – dreaming a brave new world into being is one thing
but Pluto symbolizes a destructive force for change that sweeps away
everything before it to make way for the next phase. Pluto with Mars
and Jupiter is quite an energized combination, and we might see even
more in the way of social change than we have seen thus far. It is
possible that the anti-war movement might really begin to take off.
Current Configurations
The New Moon takes place on Saturday, September 3rd, and opposes Uranus,
as has been mentioned. We might expect the unexpected at this time,
surprising epiphanies abound. Uranus is also inconjunct to Saturn throughout
this monthly period, indicating the push-pull of the status quo versus
revolutionary vision for change.
The First Quarter Moon, on Sunday, September 11th, is accompanied by
an almost exact Yod formation to Mars, from Pluto and Jupiter, while
the Moon also conjuncts Pluto at this time. This formation perfects
over the next two weeks, remaining quite potent over that entire period
of time, as Mars slows in the skies, preparing to retrograde next month.
The effect would be to revitalize and transform our relationship to
the aggressive and self-defensive urge within ourselves, to perhaps
look at our anger in a new light.
The Full Moon of Saturday, September 17th, exactly conjuncts Mercury,
bringing the thought process into the picture. Mercury, also the Sun's
ruler in Virgo, brings an attention to detail and a willingness to
communicate to others regarding our situation.
The Fall Equinox takes place on Thursday, September 22nd, and indicates
as always the equilibrium point of the year, when the Solar force and
the forces of the dark unknown reach a point of balance. Symbolically
we turn to the inside, and to each other, as the Sun begins to lose
its ascendancy in preparation for the Winter season to come.
The Last Quarter Moon that follows two weeks later, on Saturday, September
24th, is accompanied by two Yods, the Yod to Mars that we have described
and a more transient one to Uranus from Saturn and Mercury. Mars and
Jupiter are almost exactly inconjunct at this time, while Mars is also
contra-parallel to Pluto, making the Yod to Mars also quite powerful.
We might see unusual messages regarding the succumbing of the status
quo to the wave of the future.
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