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Astrology Page              Current Month               ALL HOROSCOPES              HOME     Horoscope for April 2006  by Henry Seltzer

You'll get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign.  Here's how:

Your Sun sign represents your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose).   It represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

Your Rising sign represents your outer mask, the self you show to others.   It represents how you appear to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your self this month.

Your Moon sign represents your personal self, your feelings, your subconscious.   It represents how you relate to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition, your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter this month.

What are your Signs?
Comparison Interpretation of You and your Lover

Aires       aires

You are coming more fully into your power this month, Aries, but in some very new and different ways than ever before. Communicating your deepest truth to others is the name of your game right now, and stepping out with verve and grace in this your birthday time of the year is your process. You are also very aware during this period of past patterns of behavior that have proved dysfunctional, and working to improve your connection with others around you and your societal ties. You are seeking a new way forward that totally revises your beliefs and attitudes. Take your time this time to get it right, then go ahead.

As the month begins, you are riding a wave of extreme energy from last month's Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sign. Something about your belief system is transforming utterly at this time, and the way that you communicate to others around you reflects this profound change in point of view. This is in many ways a new birth, and you benefit by paying it due reverence.

Old patterns of societal connection are also up for renewed understanding, acceptance and eventual healing. You are getting entirely serious about the quality of your contribution to social concerns, based on more structure and definition regarding own strong creative presence in the world.

The First Quarter Moon of April 5th is an important time for you, when you are looking to the inside and dwelling deeply with these issues, and with home and family concerns that connect you to center.

At the time of the Full Moon, taking place on Thursday, April 13th, you may find that you are making a shift to embrace familial and partnership connections in your life more fully.

Over the next two weeks, leading up to the Taurus New Moon of April 27th, you are solidifying a qualitatively different awareness of the direction you feel your life may be taking you at this time, and integrating your deeper issues into a more conscious understanding of your true situation.

Taurus      taurus

Your intention is set toward the future but you are in some sense dwelling in the past these days, Taurus, reliving scenes from yesteryear with an eye to rewriting the script for the present day. You are placing total emphasis on your spiritual center right now, and that will stand you in good stead as you revise your patterns of interaction. You have been living lately in a world of dreams, only partially available to the outer world, mulling over your possibilities and remaining internal, but that could change after the Sun enters your sign on the 20th, followed by the New Moon a week later.

At that time you are more ready to fully come out, based on a better integration of your deep inner process, with fresh style and newfound grace.

As the month begins you are likely to be somewhat lost in contemplation, following the Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sector of dream visions. You may be getting some inspired messages at this time from your inner world. You are also taking an active stance right now regarding the financial and other resources at your disposal, and perhaps coming to some important realizations regarding the contributions that others make in your life.

Especially in this first week of the month, you may find yourself dealing with old issues of reactivity to authority, and digging in even more strongly to your home base. There is an important piece of internal work that you are meant to be accomplishing at this time, not in achievement but rather in becoming more conscious of triggered responses to outer events.

A better integration comes your way in the week following the Full Moon, when inspiration is available for new visions of what might be possible for you.

The Last Quarter Moon, of Thursday, April 20th, represents the crux of change, as you gain in awareness of your true situation and gather your energy for your birthday time of the year. Emerging from the tunnel of the past few weeks you are taking the lessons gained there along with you into the sunlight.


You are entering this month into an exciting and fruitful period for growth, Gemini. Relationship with significant others in your life continues to play an important part in establishing your own sense of individuality. You are emerging from the difficulties of the recent past with a greater sense of integration and fresh plans for a future that you can really live with.

The early days of the month are the best time for you all year to vision new possibilities into being; although you may want to wait until after the mid-month Full Moon to act on these dreams and schemes. It's a long road that has no turning and yours is doing back-flips right now.

As the month begins, the energy from the Solar Eclipse New Moon that took place just before the end of last month has you thinking about the future. You are vibrantly connected to the social matrix surrounding you these days, and farsighted in your approach to life. The first two weeks of this month represent the best chance you'll have all year to vision new possibilities for yourself into being.

At the time of the Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, there is a peak of a particular development that you are actively engaged in right now. This is a breakthrough time of seeing your world, and the relationships that you have within it, in an entirely new light, the bursting of a previously held philosophical barrier. Perhaps this epiphany is connected to old fears you might have of nonacceptance regarding your own thought processes and belief systems. It is time you came out with your way of looking at things, whether they like it or not.

The days following the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, is a period of great realization along these lines, and the Taurus New Moon of April 27th in your sector of dream visions and multidimensional awareness, is another.

Cancer      cancer

There's a brand new day dawning for you, Cancer. You are getting a really good start this month on career and professional life opportunities, with a mystical twist. A turnaround in partnership interaction that takes place after the 5th helps to meet your security needs. At that time too you are more than ready to shuck old patterns of intimacy that no longer serve you in the present, and also the leftover knee-jerk reactions to authority from the time of your earlier and less evolved self. As you more fully inhabit your dark places you paradoxically let more of your own inner light shine forth.

As the month begins, you are making a fresh start in your public statement, riding the mile high energy from last month's Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sector of career and professional life. You are also examining at this time old patterns of intimate connection that have not necessarily served you well in the past, with an eye toward reconciliation and change. Acknowledging and accepting these potentially embarrassing parts of your nature is a necessary first step to healing.

You might run into bumps in the road to self discovery with the First Quarter Moon of April 5th, when getting new ideas off the runway may prove more difficult than it originally seemed. This first week of the month is a time of shifting values and perspectives, when something important is struggling to break free within your very soul.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, taking place in your sector of home and family and core issues, acts as a springboard for future change. The potential is there for growth through awareness of your deepest inner workings.

With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, you are gathering yourself to push the envelope just a little further than you have previously.

Leo      leo     

You are taking an original stance this month, Leo, copping a brave new attitude. Transformation of who you are in this world comes to you at this time through the higher mind activities of teaching and learning, seeking novel perspectives through travel to exotic realms, and exploring your basic beliefs. You are finding a new way to be you, and of finally leaving some painful parts of your past behind. It's not that you are entirely shedding your skin, but definitely putting some new wine in the old bottles, and preparing to break even further away from the pack at the time of the Taurus New Moon nearly at month's end.

As the month begins, you are feeling the aftermath of the recent Solar Eclipse in your house of spiritual adventures and pursuits. An entirely new perspective may be dawning upon you. Your concept of engaged future possibility is active at this time, and your self expression also, as you seek to transform in these areas of your life. You are simultaneously invested in depth researches into your inner world, exploring new relationship possibilities and shucking old patterns of connection that no longer serve you.

At the time of the First Quarter Moon of April 5th, and in the days immediately following, you are birthing into a better sense of self. The challenge is to find what concretely works for you among the many possibilities that you are currently entertaining.

At the time of the Full Moon, on Thursday, April 13th, you are more ready to share with others your emerging vision for yourself and your world, having reached a culmination of a sense of belief in your new potential.

The Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, is a time when career goals become more evident, in the context of more enlightened understanding of your entire process of growth and change during this month's cycle. Something is taken but something remains. Especially a week later at the time of the New Moon, what remains, you can build on.

Virgo      virgo

You are transforming at the core this month, Virgo. New directions in both your public persona and your private life are driving you to that inner contemplation that precedes change. You may find yourself questioning your very direction lately, delving deep inside to the dark mystery of your inner process, and these may be the precise questions that you need to be asking at this time. Trust in the guidance of the universe surrounding you to take your life more firmly onto its intended track. The purposeful will of your Higher Self expresses through your actions when you allow them to flow as a stream does, naturally.

As the month begins, you are exploring new patterns of intimacy with significant partners in your life, expanding communication and seeking to find the basis of your connection with others in the dark unknown territory of your own unconscious impulses. You may find that issues of home and family that have been percolating through your awareness since the middle of last month might come to a head at this time.

The First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, April 5th, represents a period of time when tensions could arise in your process of growth and when surprising partnership information may come to light that further guides you on your way.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, is another transformational time for you when issues of self and other will emerge. You are feeling your way forward into a new sense of intimacy both with significant partners and with the cosmic principles that underlie all action, and that guide your steps forward into a better concept of your own unique destiny.

By the New Moon of Thursday, April 27th, your life may look quite different than when you started out this month's journey. What has changed is your awareness of the part that relationship plays in sorting out your priorities, and your understanding of who you are at the core.

Libra     libra

You are making an important transition during this monthly cycle, Libra. You are coming from confusion into clarity, from a sense of your solitary mission into partnership with others, and from a feeling of being somewhat stuck with your plans into at least a kind of forward motion. Your powers of higher mind are activated during the early part of this month. You are thinking your way through to greater opportunity with both finances and the significant partners in your life, opening up to a new chapter.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the recent Solar Eclipse New Moon toward a fresh perspective on significant partnerships in your life.

The First Quarter Moon of April 5th might come as something of a shock, with definite tensions that arise to challenge you, as you mediate between relationship and career, trying to find the way they both fit into your higher purpose, going forward. You have loads of energy right now for interpersonal communication that expresses the deeper truth of the matter, and that allows you also to take a more serious stand.

In the days following the Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, issues of self and other are likely to come to the fore. You are seeking to find rather than to lose yourself in relationship with others, and through the process to make a giant leap of faith into a new way of seeing your soul purpose.

Leading up to the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, great changes may be unleashed. You are caught up right now in the mystery of your existence, looking for the brass ring that lets you off the merry go round, or at least makes it count for something that matters.

Scorpio      scorpio

This is a big month for you Scorpio, in a big year. You are getting into a very different place regarding intimacy with significant others in your life, and your own deeply internal process also, than you ever have before. Transformation of your security needs is paramount, a transformation based on self-sufficiency rather than other-orientation. After the mid-month Full Moon you're likely to arrive at a more philosophical perspective on it all, if you hang in there.

As the month begins, there is tremendous energy available for seeking new facets of your pathway forward, as you explore concepts of service to others from the enlarged perspective of your spiritual center. You are wrestling with alligators in your basement but the struggle is rewarding you with a broader basis for securely being present in this actual moment of existence rather than seeing things as you would like them to be. You are facing yet another transformative set of circumstances in the course of this mid-month journey.

The First Quarter Moon of April 5th brings sharper awareness of how your old tapes from the long distant past might interfere with fully being present for intimate others in your life, and how too you might be sidetracking yourself with knee jerk reactions to authority. The great progress you are making with career lately does in the end depend on a better integration of all your parts.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, and the days following, leading up to the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, represent a time when you are coming into an expanded sense of who you really are, and taking your spiritual core more fully into account.

The last ten days of the month bring important partnerships in your life squarely into the picture, temporarily exacerbating but ultimately resolving the drama of public persona versus private self that you are so actively engaged in right now.

Sagittarius     sagittarius

You are riding the wave to a farther shore this month, Sagittarius. Active partnerships in your life are the stimulus for transformation of your self concept and to unleash creativity in areas you didn't know you had it in you to express. You are very focused on your inner world at this time, and communication with others around you is hazy and unclear, but full of the numinous other world beyond the one that you can and see and touch with your physical senses.

As the month begins, your creativity is greatly stimulated, following the recent Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sector of self expression.

At the time of the First Quarter Moon of April 5th, active partners lead the way into greater intimacy and greater awareness of your own internal changes that you have been going through these last few years. You are in a rather softer place regarding necessary transformation in your life than you have been thus far, more accepting of the mystery and the paradox of life in multiple worlds, both physical and distinctly non.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, leads you out of self absorption with an emphasis on connection with social groups that you favor, and with implications also for how you make your way into achieving your goals in partnership with others.

The Taurus New Moon at nearly month's end, on Thursday, April 27th, is a jumping off point for a new attitude and road to follow going forward, based around integrating your more internal and relatively unconscious understanding, and represents another powerful time of learning and of accepting your flaws as well as your greatness.

Capricorn    capricorn

You are obsessed by ethereal gains rather than material ones these days, Capricorn. Instead of financial security, you seek at this time a spiritual solution to the process of your life. During this monthly cycle you may find that your true security is ultimately concerned with a closer connection to your own internal places. The energy is there for a graceful ending, and to practice greater and more profound intimacy with others in the bargain, but it turns out that you must dig for it.

You are investing yourself right now in activities that are close to home, such as family concerns and the psychological roots of your being, and they are yielding fruit. Although your difficulties do not fully ease, you will emerge, at month's end, with a greater understanding of your situation, and that counts for a lot.

As the month begins, you are exploring your innermost depths, following the Solar Eclipse New Moon from the end of last month in your home and family sector. This is a time of great focus on your private sphere. You may be encountering some painful places and finding the optimistic energy to accept these residues of prior trauma as part of yourself, to be simply acknowledged rather than avoided in or in some way walled off from active participation.

You could feel a transformational shift by the time of the April 5th First Quarter Moon.

With the Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, you are about to break through into a new phase of partnership with others in your life and with respect to your own security needs also.

The Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, April 20th, presents a challenge to your self expression, and a chance to come to a better understanding of the dynamics of your relationship interaction.

The Taurus New Moon near the end of the month, on Thursday, April 27th, while difficult, represents a fresh start on fully expressing yourself and coming into a more integrated coexistence with active partners in your life.

Aquarius      aquarius

It's a different world for you this month, Aquarius, with important and novel connections that you are in the process of making with others around you. Fresh initiatives in communication, especially involving significant partnerships in your life, are productive of long-term changes in the way that you operate.

Old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you in your present day activities, dimly felt and darkly perceived, are up for acceptance and healing. You are seeking a better sense of integration between your security and relationship needs, and your acting self, alone in the world, versus your friendships and other links that you make with society. Congratulate yourself as you find your way forward into a new era, with renewed self-acceptance.

As the month begins, you are feeling an energy that might particularly affect your communication with others around you and also your sense of yourself as a fully functioning member of society. There is a way that your self-concept has been suffering from nagging doubts about your own worthiness and how you come across to others, and these types of issues are likely to be extraordinarily present for you at this time.

Relationships of all kinds come into the picture as well, especially following the First Quarter Moon of April 5th, when some tension in your process may arise with the awareness of a more philosophical and dreamy approach to life. If you can accept yourself with all your warts and deficiencies, you can be more fully present to life here and now.

Leading up to the Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, you are feeling the pinch of this physical plane and the simultaneous idea of other ways of being. You may feel that you are partially in the world and yet not really fully engaged. It can be a relief to escape into the dream fantasy of better circumstances, and perhaps that is also a trap.

There may be a way to feel both the presence that is necessary for concrete action and also the mystical power of the unseen world all around you, a necessary paradox.

Pisces    pisces

You are full of paradoxically strong earthy presence these days, Pisces, in the midst of getting grounded with your spiritual mission while perhaps staying fuzzy and vague about your concrete day-to-day existence. You are opening to new answers for some very old questions in your life, having to do with your wholehearted participation in it. You are in the world but not of it at this time, searching for the hole in your garden wall where you can pull yourself through.

Something is changing for you, as the month begins, in your finances or your material situation, riding the energy of the Solar Eclipse New Moon in your resources sector from the end of last month. Perhaps it is your very concept of physical plane security that is drastically altering for you at this time.

Also in the early weeks of this month, you are transforming in the way that you show up in the world. At your best, you come from your sweet soul center when you deal with the outer world, and the change at this time is only to make it more conscious.

By the time of the First Quarter Moon of April 5th you are facing up to the limitations of getting what you need, rather than what you want. Your path is opening up before you, and although it may not prove to be easy, it will definitely be rewarding.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, brings an enlightened point of view to the specifics of making your mark in business and authority connections, and in how you show up for yourself and others.

You are in a long-term process of metamorphosis and the end is not in sight just yet, but it will be very far away from where you originally started.

Overview of the Planets this month:

The Astrology of April features Pluto, Mars and the Solar Eclipse in Aries from the end of last month that sets the pace for the current cycle. Pluto, symbolizing death, rebirth and transformation, has also just stationed retrograde and is therefore at almost a standstill in the April sky, while Mars, representing our outgoing and aggressive urges, and our anger as well, is opposed to Pluto as the month begins, and rules the Solar Eclipse. Pluto remains widely sextile and in close parallel with Neptune throughout the month, so that there is a spiritual component to our transformation at this time.

While anger that explodes into rage and violence is obviously counterproductive, the emotion can have positive overtones, consolidating within us the necessity of standing up for ourselves, or defending our boundaries. As Mars opposes Pluto along the way to the mid-month Full Moon, we are likely to be experiencing all these different sides of our aggressive and egoistic nature, and experiencing also the transformation of these along the lines of a higher manifestation as a result of the changes we succeed in putting ourselves through during this crucial nexus.

In April also, Saturn stations direct in Leo during the first week of the month, opposite Chiron, bringing back a touch of the wound of misplaced authority that we saw as recently as February and that will perfect again in June. We may be forced throughout the month to take a stand against those who would co-opt our power, or against our own tendency to knuckle under to an outside authority that does not represent our truest intentions for ourselves.

All this month we are riding the energy of the Solar Eclipse from the end of March that had Mars and Pluto opposite, both letting out anger and transforming it, although as that opposition gets closer, it becomes more powerful, leading up to the Aries – Libra Full Moon of April 13th. At that time we can see one culmination of our upward spiral of development.

With the entrance of the Sun into Taurus a week later, at the time of the Last Quarter Moon, the beginning of a new form of wisdom may come when we must recognize the limitations of what we have been attempting, and when we face the new awareness that that recognition brings.

Current Configurations

The Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon from last month that began the current lunar cycle, has a stationing Pluto opposed to Mars. The eclipse degree of 8 plus Aries also exactly sextiles Chiron in Aquarius, bringing the energy of the Wounded Healer into the monthly mix. With the sextile, we may find that there is a positive impulse for change to the way we view the patterns of our reactivity, if we can allow ourselves to open to it.

The First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, April 5th accompanies a stationary Saturn, which changes to direct motion within an hour of the early morning First Quarter Moon. Chiron is widely opposed to Saturn right now, and the opposition gets closer after Saturn's direct station about an hour later, perfecting in June. Neptune is brought into this configuration as well by aspect to the Sun and Moon.

Mars is exactly opposed to a powerful Pluto at this time as well. Since Pluto and Neptune are also linked, the transformational energy of this time is powerful, and softer and more filled with numinous awareness of dimensions beyond this physical plane. Since Mars is involved, anger and even violence may emerge as well, so it is a paradoxical period of time.

The Full Moon of Thursday, April 13th, aspects Pluto and Mars, by trine and sextile, just as Mercury squares Pluto and Venus nears conjunction with Uranus. Transformative and perhaps startling new awareness comes into our consciousness. This same evening, Mars crosses into Cancer and begins to pull away from the opposition with Pluto.

The Last Quarter Moon takes place on Thursday, April 20th, in the first degree of Aquarius and Taurus, and thus coincides with the entrance of the Sun into Taurus and a shift of the ambient energy. This phase of the lunation cycle traditionally represents a "crisis in consciousness" when we sum up the successes and failures of the previous three weeks of the lunation cycle, taking the lessons gained into the next stage of our lives.

The Taurus New Moon of Thursday, April 27th, squares Saturn as it opposes Chiron, and brings the wound of misplaced authority strongly into our awareness, as well as the energy of new growth and nature. At this time also, Mars reaches 8 plus degrees of Cancer, exactly squaring the eclipse degree from the beginning of the previous cycle. We might expect poignant reminders of the earlier events that accompanied this powerful Aires New Moon, hopefully along the lines of transforming our anger and our pain into more reflective and less reactive postures.

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