Astrology Page Current Month ALL HOROSCOPES HOME Horoscope
for August 2005 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun
sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both
the ego (mental) self and
the higher Self (soul purpose). It represents your will and sense
of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
are very busy these days being you, Aries, the thing that you do so well,
but you may also feel at this time that you are suffering from a lack of
direction somehow. Nebulous plans for the future refuse to coalesce. You
are transforming the very nature of your beliefs, and it may be that the
goals that emerge at this time have a different subtext, a way of representing
yourself in the world that takes off in an orthogonal vertical direction
that wasn't planned. It may even be that some of your truth lies in the
eyes of the helpful other, a necessarily different point of view. This
perspective and that of Spirit inside you may be your aid in the process
of searching out your own way forward and finding out just what is your
own particular value system, independent of the judgments that are imposed
by the world outside.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th comes as a signpost for finding this new
way into a future for yourself that you can really live with. You have plenty
of energy at this time, and your self-expression sparkles, but there is a lack
of clear direction implied by the inward-turning of the Mercury retrograde
period of time, combined with mystical Neptune in your sector of societal connection
and group association. You are seeing with double vision these days, with one
part of yourself acutely aware of an inner dimension that you normally do not
acknowledge, an image that gets brighter just as you start to look away. The
rewards are there if you can pay closer attention, since the mystical is truly
the largest and most important part of life.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, represents a few natural conflicts
and dilemmas that arise in the course of any production. You are trying to
birth some new self-concept and indeed world concept and there are implications
for changes to your long cherished belief systems. The practicalities of financial
arrangements or security needs come up against the flights of fancy representing
the new you.
When Mercury changes direction a few days later, on the 15th,
things might go more smoothly, but you are definitely not in Kansas anymore.
You are being offered a glimpse into the spiritual mechanism underlying all
of life, and it may be wise to keep your third eye open to the possibilities.
The Full Moon that comes along on Friday, August 19th, brings others around
you more firmly into the picture, as the arc of your development reaches a
plateau that you are ready to share with helpful partners.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Friday, August 26th, is a time when your newfound
awareness meets the test of engagement with others and with the plan for your
life going forward from this point in time. The issue is not so much that you
have changed; it is whether you acknowledge the changes by taking on a different
fundamental direction now or later. If you are ready, take the turn, and if
not take the turn any way. The future is always unfolding before you and it
never helps much to look behind when there's nothing anyway left back there
to hold onto.
Perfection of the self is a lifelong prospect, Taurus. You
are active physically and mentally these days, but perhaps a bit uncertain
of where exactly it all is going. What is the ultimate purpose of your existence?
You are delving deep down inside yourself to come up with the answer, but so
far have found only more questions. There may be no other way than to let the
arc of your development slowly and gracefully unfold.
The New Moon that comes along on Thursday, August 4th Is in your sector of
your home and family, and your psychological roots. You are drawn to your depth
process right now, and to homey issues that may arise at this time also, making
a fresh start. With Mercury retrograde you are more reflective than usual,
looking to the inner side of your life. These factors opposite mystical Neptune
in your career sector make for a potentially very confusing time, but the rewards
are there when you dig for them. You are also feeling quite expansive with
your possibilities going forward.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, may present you with a few difficulties
to sort through on your way. Mental attitudes might need to adjust in the light
of circumstances.
When Mercury changes to direct motion a few days later, on the 15th, a subtle
but meaningful shift in the energy gives you pause. You are perhaps caught
between action and reflection at this time, dwelling on the concept of essential
unity with all mankind, creature-kind really, and at times becoming confused
regarding the seeming priorities of the mundane outer world.
The Full Moon that follows at the end of the week, on Friday, August 19th,
stretches you top to bottom, nudging you to find the happy medium between outer
presentation and the inner world of supernal realism.
There may be further disconnects and difficulties at the time also of the Last
Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, when the pull of the disparity may seem
quite strong, creating tension to the extent that you buy into it. Public life
and private, inner and outer, are only after all opposite sides of the very
same coin. Words make them seem different, as the sage says, only to express
appearance. As your process takes you through and you come out on the other
side, the differences may seem less important.
Mystical perspectives are your stock in trade this month, Gemini. You are
reaching out to others around you in new and different ways right now, with
your ruler Mercury running backward through your connection sector. Communication,
always important to you, is now even more so, as you grope for the deeper meaning.
Your perspective on where your life is taking you is undergoing a sea change
lately, as the poet says, into something rich and strange, as you attempt a
new synthesis of heart and mind. It's a good time to just let the river flow,
rather than trying to steer it.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th represents a fresh start on interacting
with others around you. Activity in the so-called real world may not be doing
it for you these days, not like it was, and you might need to chill and move
sideways rather than forward. The reward is an interesting perspective, different
circumstances with your work in the world, and a more abundant sense of yourself.
The First Quarter
Moon of Friday, August 12th, may represent greater difficulties in making things
go, and therefore a better opportunity to reflect on your situation.
Mercury changes into direct motion a few days later, on Monday evening, August
15th, and you may feel like things are running more smoothly after this point
in time, although it takes until the end of the month before they will really
straighten out. At this time your connection with Spirit inside, the softer
and more numinous side of your nature, is reinforced, to the extent that you
can open to her influence, close your eyes to really see.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, brings the arc of your development to
another phase, one more in touch with others around you. It is helpful to share
your feelings at this time, if you choose the right setting.
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, can be a time of tension in your
process also, to the extent that you expect what is usual in your interactions
with others to be the norm. Things might go better for you at this time if
you have fewer or no expectations. You are delving deep into your psyche these
days and seeking the answers to questions you didn't know you had asked. Revel
in the mystery.
You are currently engaged in a complex dance of self and other, Cancer. There
may well be some degree of confusion lately regarding what part intimate relationships
play in your life. What exactly belongs between you, an essential part of the
interaction of self and other, and what part is yours and yours alone? The
subject of your own stuff is a complex one these days. Influenced by both Saturn
and Mercury in your resource sector, you are undoubtedly feeling the pain of
limitation as well as reflecting on the possibilities. You are striving to
find the higher, and subtler, meaning. You do not live by bread alone, or money
either, but it plays an important role in your life, one worth sorting out
in the weeks ahead.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th comes as a fresh start in re-valuing the
material in your life, seeing the numinous in every event, even the mundane
ones. You are pulled to a different point of view at this time, coexisting
like double vision within the ordinary. You don't have to choose, just let
your awareness flow in and out of touch with everything. With Mercury retrograde
you have the perfect situation to reflect on and rethink your world.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, brings some tension to the mix
of energies, some conflict perhaps between practical concerns and getting yourself
out into the world in very new and different ways.
Mercury changes to direct
motion a few days later, on the 15th, and finances may flow more smoothly.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, represents a culmination of the arc of
development you have been engaged in for this monthly cycle, a time when you
are ready to take your show on the road, in connection with others around you.
Then the Last Quarter Moon, of Friday, August 26th, is another time of soul-searching,
as the lessons of this cycle begin to settle in. You will emerge from this
period of time altered and yet still the same you, like the proverbial waterway
that is always there, yet never the same river as it was the day before.
You are dwelling in the paradox lately, Leo. You may be feeling just a bit
nebulous these days, with mystical Neptune catalyzing your relationship sector
while Mercury retrogrades through your sign, but the New Moon in Leo also and
Mars in your Midheaven say go, go go. You are in a potentially uncomfortable
push-pull of activity and holding back, but there are advantages to be gained
from your situation. It may be important to look before you leap, for a change,
to take a good view of where you are going with your life at this time before
taking the next step; to stop and consider rather than rush to judgment. Remember
that wherever you go, there you are.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th comes as a burst of energy for your process
of growth that you have been engaged in lately, combined with a mystical attitude.
Mercury is retrograde and connections may not make as much sense in the outer
event-oriented planes than they do in the inner world of cosmic coincidence.
Be alert for miracles to manifest, or at least epiphanies of new awareness.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, is a testing time, when plans
made earlier in the week may run into unexpected snags, and when the business
or career goals you have set for yourself may prove to conflict with what you
want on a more personal level.
Mercury changes to direct motion on August 15th.
The Full Moon, coming along on Friday, August 19th, brings partnership interaction
to the forefront of your consciousness, although perhaps in a somewhat scattered
or confusing presentation. Your intention for being out in the world is powerful
right now, and so is your connection to the more subtle and mystical side of
your existence, perhaps as represented by significant others in your life.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Friday, August 26th, presents a crisis of awareness,
where the things that don't fit about your situation seem miles apart. You
may choose to seek a synthesis of points of view at this time, and that choice,
while difficult, will prove valuable for you long-term. Your life at this time
has as always multiple meanings: the meaning that you assign, the meaning that
it has for you beneath the layers of your more obvious awareness, at the core,
and the combination.
Mystical philosophical yearnings characterize your thoughts lately, Virgo.
Your dreams are almost more present to you than your waking life. You are in
an internal state of mind, with your ruler Mercury in retrograde motion, and
this month's New Moon shifts the focus even more to the secret places behind
and beyond your conscious mind. The good use that you can make of this period
of time may not be obvious, but in the discerning self-exploration of the very
roots of your being, the largest and juiciest part of yourself, you become
more aware of the vast treasure trove of the imagination that lies within.
Paradoxically, the exploration of the dark places inside yourself can lead
you more fully into the light. More conscious awareness of this numinous center
of your being can only be a Good Thing, and now's your chance.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th brings you into greater consciousness
of your angel guidance, from the inside. You may be feeling quite internal
at this time, and pushing the envelope of what you can absorb, mentally, emotionally
and physically. There is a way forward into your life that is consistent with
your higher purpose, but the key is difficult to put into the lock, it weaves
and shimmies like a dancer. Subtle energies play a major role at this time,
and persistence pays.
A peak of understanding and potentially of conflict comes with the First Quarter
Moon of Friday, August 12th, when you seek to establish what started out as
wild-eyed imagination only a week ago.
A few days later, on Monday, August 15th, your ruler, Mercury, changes into
direct motion, and your dream imagination is still very much with you, suffusing
all your activities with the foggy glow of otherworldly planes of existence.
There is a deeper and higher reality than the one all around us once we close
our mundane earthly eyes to see it.
The Full Moon of August 19th may bring out your more compassionate side that
has been building. Helpful and sensitive partners are an important piece of
your own puzzle, especially at this time.
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, may present some conflicts between
inner and outer, between newfound realizations and the expectations of the
world that surrounds you, but the die is cast and it's too late to turn back
the clock of your development. Keep the faith and you'll finally break through
to the other side.
You are showing your softer side these days, Libra, stepping out with style
and grace and also with a sense of compassion for your fellow beings and for
your own situation also. You are entering into an exciting and energizing time
during the evolution of this monthly period, when you really come into yourself
in some new and daring ways. Your true development at this time is not in the
outer levels alone, but takes the world of Spirit quite firmly into account.
This period, starting with the New Moon at almost the very beginning of the
month, is also an excellent time for visioning new possibilities for yourself
and your world. You may want to wait to act on these ideas until after the
middle of the month, when Mercury changes into direct motion, or possibly even
later, but you are likely to be mulling over your plans long before then. It
will be difficult to refrain from action once your ruler Venus enters your
sign on August 16th, but be prepared for course corrections as Mercury moves
through its retrograde shadow during the remainder of the month.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th is electrifying, although you may feel
the charge mainly within your psyche. You are operating at a more or less internal
level at this time, tuning into Spirit within. You have a softer presentation
than usual, as you respond to the mix of energies swirling around you, and
may find confusion also, in the way you inhabit your presence in the outer
world of appearance.
The First Quarter Moon, of Friday, August 12th, is a time when there may be
conflicts between what you want in terms of social goals and what you feel
at a deep level to be your true process forward.
Mercury stations direct in
the next few days in your sector of societal connection, and plans you have
made may subtly alter at this time.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, brings a degree of fulfillment to the
arc of your development at this time, and recognition of good fortune.
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, represents a crisis in awareness
of what you are trying to accomplish, and how necessary it is to take Spirit
into account in all that you do, in terms of intimate connection with others
in your life, and with yourself also. The numinous and otherworldly is really
the largest and the juiciest and most important part of ourselves, in spite
of the seeming evidence of our senses to the contrary.
You are reaching for a peak of success in your life right now, Scorpio, but
one that takes you into the depths of your being as well as to the heights
of worldly recognition. Your public presentation has never been juicer. What
fuels the fire though is your understanding of your deep underground nature
that connects you to Spirit inside. Partnership with significant others in
your life is also an important ingredient for you at this time, and helps to
bring perspective.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th brings fresh perspective to your work
in the world. You are fully invested in this area of your life right now, but
with a subtle subtext of spiritual connection that constantly pulls you back
to the inside. Your dream life is huge for you at this time, serving to remind
you of the primacy of the inner world, the world of Spirit. As Carl Jung wrote:
Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.
The First Quarter Moon that comes along a week later, on Friday, August 12th,
challenges you to be more aware of your depths and also perhaps to think before
you speak; to rise above the seeming contradictions of this world through a
synthesis of heart and mind.
When Mercury changes to direct motion a few days later, on the 15th, you are
again pulled to the inside, to the silence from which all true speech emerges.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th is similarly cosmic in the application
of greater awareness and self-acceptance. You are changing at the core at this
time, and in your relationship dynamic also.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Friday, August 26th, brings up issues between public
presentation and goals versus connection with others in your life, and stretches
you to integrate your inner and outer persona within the framework of relationship
with significant partners. The spiral of your destiny is threading you ever
onward with nowhere to go but up.
The narrative of your life is a changing story right now, Sagittarius, the
one that you tell in order to reinvent yourself each day. You are coming into
a new way of describing your being in the world. Your philosophy is being tested
to see if it can meet the task of changing circumstances. Communication with
others around you is an important part of your process also, but the connections
that you ordinarily make may be a little confusing these days and out of touch
with the consensus. This is trouble from the standpoint of getting things done,
but may provide an opening to a different view of your life path, one that
takes more fully into account Spirit acting itself out in the world and in
your life as well.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th comes amidst the Mercury retrograde that
tends to disrupt communications generally, and even mechanical contrivances.
Your communication with others may have something of the unknown other world
behind the veil of this one, the numinous forces around us that are unseen
and yet so present, always. It is as if these angel voices were whispering
in your ear at this time, so that you may feel the connections there more strongly
than your everyday societal associations, if you allow them in.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, brings this dynamic more totally
into play, at least potentially, since it represents a time when your work
in the world seems more difficult to achieve. You are seeking to redefine your
pathway forward, the task that you came into this life to fulfill, in the light
of new awareness that arrives on intuitive channels.
When Mercury changes direction a few days later, on the 15th, you may notice
a shift in the energy of your mental / philosophical process, and travel or
educational plans may alter, or perhaps after another two weeks. Riding out
the shifting tides of your life is part of your lesson at this time.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, represents a culmination of a sort, a
time of focusing your awareness on where you have been in your thinking thus
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, may be a time when you are even
more aware of the possibilities inherent in your situation, perhaps highlighted
as much by what isn't working for you as by what is. The flow of your life
is always onward; although particular bends in the river may seem like reverses,
they are really paths that forge new territory, reclaiming something important
and necessary that was almost lost.
You are showing off your soft side these days, Capricorn. You are in the midst
of a tremendous push for outer world recognition and active engagement just
now, and enjoying good fortune in this area of your life. But there is also
a depth of compassionate outreach going on, fueled by an inner awareness of
some of your hidden places. Intimate connection with others provides a rich
tapestry at this time, to set off your focus on success. You are feeling both
drawn to the universe of intimate partnership and somewhat detached as well,
while Mercury retrogrades through your sector of personal transformation and
close connection with others. Thought provoking events continue to manifest,
both in relation to others in your close circle and with your own process,
and it is all part of an arc of development that leads you into a better understanding
of Spirit working itself out in your life.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th makes for a fresh start both in compassionate
connection with others and in the integration of your own process that flows
from these adventures in intimacy. It is an active time for you, of powerfully
stepping out into the world, and also of the sensitive awareness of your inner
depths as well, your true basis for deep contact with others. We are all more
naturally conditioned to outer rather than inner achievement, and this is therefore
a potentially confusing as well as richly rewarding time for you.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, may represent some bumps in
the road of your process of greater internal awareness.
When Mercury changes to direct motion a few days later, on the 15th, there
is more emphasis on the inner and reflective side of your psyche.
There are several powerful times in the retrograde cycle, and this is one:
the First Quarter Moon to the station, the 12th to the 15th. You will be more
aware of your communication process than usual, and mechanical breakdowns and
unexpected outcomes are likely, but these outer misconnections can be helpful
in tuning your inner sensitivity.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, brings issues of self and other to the
forefront. You are seeking a synthesis of balance.
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, represents a "crisis of
awareness" brought about by the flow of change in your life at this climactic
time. The way that you show up for others and the way you are available to
yourself alone, and for your connection with Spirit, are commingled in the
ultimate analysis.
The mystical madness in your life continues also this month, Aquarius. The
unseen forces of the surrounding universe may be buffeting you but you are
seeking the higher meaning. Your values are your focus these days, and they
are no doubt shifting, brought about by the tides of circumstance, but the
real question is where. Partnership with significant others in your life definitely
comes up for you at this juncture, and provides one key to the mystery of your
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th comes as a new burst of relationship energy
accompanied by an inner searching and perhaps rethinking of what partnership
means for you and for your own security needs in the moment. The connection
is elusive. There is a way that you are developing into a more vertical being,
occupying simultaneously multiple levels, where the life of ordinary human
interaction is only one.
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, takes you to another point of
conflict and probable resolution, between the demands of the world outside
yourself and your own internal process of growth and changing awareness.
A few days later, on the 15th, when Mercury changes to direct motion in your
relationship sector, you may feel a subtle shift in the energy of your partnership
dynamic, which is currently more involved with otherworldly possibilities than
with strictly mundane ones.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, is another time of growth spurred on
by the great divide - the polarity of self and other. When you connect with
the higher dimensional nature of your own or another's being you are really
just experiencing a fuller connection between yourself and the essentially
multifaceted nature of the cosmos as reflected in each individual existence.
At the time of the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, there may be further
bumps in the road based on difficulties with intimate partners, although in
the highest perspective these potential conflicts only serve toward integrating
your newfound awareness into your existing scheme of thought. You can only
gain by this interchange, since the process you are involved with spells out
more life, not less, as you get closer to your inner world. Momentary confusion
is natural in this situation, but in the end a small price to pay for the broader
paradigm shift that is in the works for you right now, with a corresponding
increase in your possibilities.
has been handing you some strange twists lately, Pisces, but you are well-positioned
these days to make the most of it, lemonade and all that. You are seeking in
all your wanderings the path with heart, the only path worth following in the
long run, and you are finding that path for yourself in part through intimate
connection with significant others in your life, and with yourself as well.
You are spending loads of time and energy looking inward these days, and perhaps
that is where the gold in your situation precisely lies, in your connection
to Spirit that is all around you, but paradoxically only becomes available
to you when you turn to your inner guidance.
The New Moon of Thursday, August 4th, in your sector of discipleship to your
highest purpose for yourself, reminds you that the truest thing that you can
accomplish has to do with strictly your own screenplay, rather than the stories
of the complex world surrounding you.
Looking inward has a lot to do with the Mercury retrograde period of time that's
going on throughout this month, and which connects you to your inner process,
and to reevaluating the purpose of significant partnership in your life, how
they are leading you into a better understanding of your own core issue. You
are in the midst of a graceful arc of development that takes you into new dimensions
of behavior with respect to intimate connection and your own spiritual evolution
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, may present you with challenges
in communicating your deepest truth, consistent with your emerging fresh understanding
of where your life is taking you this time around.
When Mercury changes direction a few days later, on the 15th, it signals perhaps
a subtle shift in your process of growth as well, and with respect to significant
partnerships in your life, taking yourself further down the road of universal
connection to the All That Is.
The Full Moon of Friday, August 19th, signals a time when you are ready to
take your changes out into the world, wearing them for all to see, not just
at home. More and more you are finding that intimate union with another really
creates connection to the source of everything, which that person's essential
nature ultimately represents for you.
The Last Quarter Moon of Friday, August 26th, is another time when your understanding
concretizes and a deep awareness dawns. You are standing in the center of life,
whether you realize it in each fleeting moment or not. The great sage Lao Tsu
expressed it best: the universe like a bellows is always emptying, always full.
The more we ask of it, the more there is.
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of August features Mercury, Mars, and Neptune, and the Leo
New Moon of August 4th. This New Moon conjuncts Mercury, and opposes
Neptune, while Jupiter trines it. Mercury is also retrograde as the
month begins, stations direct mid-month, on August 15th, and finally
emerges from its retrograde shadow on August 29th. With Mercury retrograde
we may expect more internal reflection on our situation than is usual
in our fast-paced outer-event driven world. Since Mercury is also bound
up with the psychic sensitivity of Neptune in this part of the retrograde
cycle, being opposite Neptune at the time of the New Moon, while the
Sun/Mercury midpoint opposes Neptune exactly at Mercury's direct station,
we might expect intimations of otherworldly intelligence to emerge
into our lives as part of our inward turning.
Mercury and Mars
Mars also squares Mercury throughout a two-week period of time surrounding
its station, from the First Quarter Moon of August 12th up until the
Last Quarter Moon of August 26th. Mercury is in the Fire sign of Leo
throughout this retrograde cycle, so the square with Mars just adds
more fuel to the fire so to speak. We may be drawn to reflect upon
our energy of self-assertion and how it manifests in our human interactions
and communication. There is the possibility for "fiery" exchanges
with each other, which may serve the ultimate purpose of making us
more aware of our true desires and goals, and how our exchange of information
with others serves to help or hinder our activities. With the square,
we may be tempted to be sharp with each other, or at least to mentally
take note of where we differ in our way of seeing things. In our own
lives, we may find ourselves exploring some conflict between practicalities
and getting what we want.
Mars is in Taurus for this monthly period, an Earth sign, with a practical
orientation that serves to ground the application of our energy, and
contrasting with the Fire sign energy of Mercury that is more active.
Mercury remains in Leo for an extended period of time that goes beyond
the end of August and into September, while Mars stays in Taurus for
the remainder of the year, and even on into February, since it stations
retrograde there in early October, and traverses back to the point
that it occupies in early August before stationing direct in December.
Thus we have the benefit of this softer and more grounded Mars for
many weeks to come, even though it provides what might at times be
a sharp contrast with our action orientation as represented by Mercury
in Leo. It is important with potential conflicts to seek the higher
ground of synthesis of differing points of view, and with Neptune in
the mix of energies we may be drawn to taking a spiritual approach
to any difficulties that may arise.
Neptune in mid-Aquarius is emphasized in this monthly cycle in four
major interactions with the other planetary energies. The New Moon
opposes it, while at the time of Mercury's direct station, the Mercury/Sun
midpoint also opposes it exactly. Jupiter trines Neptune all month,
considerably amping up the Neptunian energy. At the Full Moon, the
Moon parallels Neptune exactly, so that both major points in the lunation
cycle this month strongly emphasize Neptune.
Finally, at the Last Quarter Moon of August 26th, Mercury and Neptune
form an exact T-square to Mars, in the 16th degree of Aquarius, Leo
and Taurus, although Mars does not enter this degree until after the
exact moment of the Last Quarter Moon has passed. The mid degrees of
the fixed signs are considered important sensitive degrees, power points
in the Zodiac. The Sabian symbols for these three are, for Leo: Sunshine
just after a storm, for Aquarius: A big-business man at his desk, which
Marc Edmond Jones describes as a symbol of personal stability, with
the keyword ACCOMPLISHMENT, and finally, for the Taurus degree: An
old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries, with the keyword
PERTINACITY. This last symbol, at the focal point of the T-square,
is just where we find ourselves oftentimes these days, in fighting
what seems to be a very large tide of moral inertia, and offers up
a fascinating symbol for this entire monthly period. Current Configurations
The New Moon at 12 plus degrees of Leo, taking place on Thursday, August
4th, opposes Neptune, as described above, and also aspects Uranus in
Neptune-ruled Pisces. Jupiter trines Neptune at this time, and indeed
for this entire monthly period. At the New Moon also, Venus is in aspect
to Neptune. This is an important New Moon, and represents an opportunity
for the numinous intimations from the other world to enter into our
The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 12th, when the Moon squares
the Sun, is traditionally a time when the rubber meets the road with
the arc of our development thus far, when the new seedling that has
begun to sprout must face the elements and survive or be overthrown,
what Dane Rudhyar called a "crisis in action." At this time,
Mars squares Mercury, increasing the conflicting energy of this period
of time. At this time, also, retrograde Mercury is parallel the Sun,
increasing the propensity for things to go south, so that missed communications
and mechanical breakdowns may flourish.
Mercury stations direct on Monday, August 15th, and things may run
more smoothly, but it does not leave its retrograde shadow until August
The Full Moon, of Friday August 19th, emphasizes the Leo - Aquarius
polarity, and represents a fulfillment of at least some facets of where
we have come since the lunation cycle began. We are now ready to share
the development with others. Mars is still square Mercury, now direct,
and beginning to gain speed. The tensions of this moment in time are
potentially increased by the Mars Mercury square.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Friday August 26th, which Rudhyar called
a "crisis in consciousness" as we mull over the implications
of what has come to pass in the lunation cycle thus far, is accompanied
by a T-square to Mars from Mercury and Neptune, as indicated above.
Mercury is also exactly contra-parallel to Neptune. This is another
volatile time when our awareness must contend with practical realities,
and when we have dared to dream large and now begin to see whether
those dreams may have currency in our sometimes all-too-mundane existence.
All in all, it is an exciting month of potential spiritual ascendancy,
when the numinous may come directly into our lives, to the extent that
we allow it entrance.
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