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Aires (March
20 - April 18) Fire. Your ruling planet is Mars. Top
are stepping out with verve and style this month, Aries, but with serious
purpose also, allowing it to matter what you do and don't accomplish. Your
mission would seem to be one of service to others and ultimately to yourself
as well, as you attempt to fulfill your highest purpose for this lifetime.
This has everything to do with transformation of your impulse to show up in
the world no longer from a motive of any form of self-aggrandizement, but simply
from recognizing what the universe requires of you and doing the next right
thing from moment to moment.
As the month begins, creative activities and work as play dominate your activities.
You are seeking to make important adjustments to the way that you show up in
the world, consistent with your own high ideals and with matter-of-fact considerations
also. You are very aware of the practicalities of life at this time. There
is a serious purpose underlying your playful investigations of cosmic truth
these days; you have been transforming at the core of your psyche and that
process continues unabated into the present monthly cycle.
The Full Moon that comes along on Wednesday, August 9th, is a culmination of
your search for meaning and represents a moment of truth. You can take the
high road of positive manifestation in your life and move to another level
of societal involvement or else relapse into a form of despair and nay saying
yourself that leaves you right back where you started, a little older and wiser
Your sense of optimism and hope for a better future for yourself and society
surrounding you is very strong at this time, but it takes hard work to make
it pay off. The danger is also that the possibilities that beckon seem more
easily realized than may prove to be the case in actuality.
The powerful Virgo New Moon of Wednesday, August 23rd, that comes after two
weeks of wrestling with these issues may provide a key that unlocks the door
to more complete service orientation and a seriously vibrant future.
Taurus (April
19 - May 19) Earth. Your ruling planet is Venus. Top
You are coming to some startling conclusions regarding the arc of development
that your life course must follow, Taurus, as your period of transformation
of your values and your cherished beliefs continues into this monthly cycle.
Digging down into your core substance to try to find the gold ring of solid
security opens you up to the surrounding universe in a big way. Communicating
these feelings to others around you is difficult but necessary as you strive
for a better perspective on your experience. The last week of August may represent
some kind of climax for you. You are re-inventing yourself in the process that
you are currently engaged in, and who knows what form you will take as you
emerge out the other side of the tunnel.
As the month begins, electric communication with peers and loved ones brings
startling epiphanies and important shifts in your point of view. A magical
space opens up for you at various times throughout the month and this is one
of them. You will be heading into some tough sledding later on in this monthly
cycle, but for now everything is for the most part rosy. Partnership interaction
may provide some setbacks that wind up transformative for your public presence
and your private ruminations also. You are forging a new way of being in the
world that takes heart and mind together as an integrated piece, requiring
The Full Moon of Wednesday, August 9th, may come as something of a shock to
your system, as you feel pulled in a number of directions all at once. You'll
want to share your feelings with significant partners in your life, and the
more that you do so at this time, the better.
The Last Quarter Moon of the following Tuesday sets your thought wheels in
motion along a different track, as you are forced to take a closer look at
what you've been creating lately, especially at the feeling level, as new awareness
seeps in.
These times of tension are a prelude to the New Moon another week later, taking
place on August 23rd, when a very different and potentially more playful energy
starts to emerge. You are also quietly serious at this time regarding depth
researches into what you have inside yourself that no one ever sees, perhaps
not even yourself, and coming to a better understanding of your most basic
You have a deep need for sharing at an intimate level that you are getting
in closer touch with over the next few days, leading up to the very end of
the month, when you are geared up for direct action regarding your situation.
Gemini (May
20 - June 20) Air. Your ruling planet is Mercury. Top
You are coming into a new way of thinking about your situation these days,
Gemini. Your work in the world is a tremendous source of inspiration for you
right now, as you further explore the deeper meaning of your life and the direction
that it has recently been taking. You are coming out of a period of re-examining
your values and taking inventory of the resources necessary to accomplish expanded
and extensive plans for yourself moving forward, and as you do you may feel
a sense of wonder and renewed possibility. These are exciting times to be living
through, the more so if you allow yourself to relax and just enjoy the ride,
without judgment or any form of preconception.
As the month begins, communication with your surrounding circle is the name
of your game. You are also likely to be heading off in some new directions
work-wise, although you may continue to be in a somewhat shaky state as far
as permanent decision-making is concerned, since your ruler Mercury is still
emerging from its retrograde shadow for the first ten days of the month. You
are setting your sights on progress, nonetheless, and seeking to find direction
in terms of your highest intention for yourself at this time, based on an optimistic
assessment of your chances.
At the time of the Full Moon, which takes place in the middle of the following
week, on Wednesday, August 9th, you are filled with both the horizontal spread
of activity implied by supercharged yet otherwise ordinary thinking and taking
on a more ethereal big-picture viewpoint that leaves the earth far behind.
You are wildly impractical at this time, and yet very grounded in another way
also, seeking to balance the extremes of your thought process into a more coherent
whole, and with patchy success.
The resulting integration, when you are able to achieve it, can also have its
positive effect on the way that you relate to significant partners in your
life. You are combining a service orientation toward others with a healthy
sense of your own process these days and arriving at some startling conclusions.
The New Moon that comes along toward the end of the month, on Wednesday, August
23rd, kicks off a change in the energy. You are more invested at this time
in home and family concerns, and in getting closer to your own spiritual center.
There is the potential in the air for powerful and transforming change all
during this climactic monthly cycle, but it is up to you how to handle it.
Whatever piece of the action you are able to show up for, the universe will
respond in kind.
Cancer (June
21 - July 21) Water. Your ruling planet is the Moon. Top
This month represents yet another new beginning for you, Cancer. You may
find yourself idealizing relationship with significant partners in your
life as
a goal and perhaps also as a means to your own self-discovery. You are ultimately
concerned at this time with issues of self and other, of where you stop and
the other begins, and how to set appropriate boundaries without walling yourself
off altogether. High ideals and blissful illusion have their drawbacks but
they have their advantages also. An overly cynical assessment may have just
as much danger of running aground on the reefs of circumstance as an overly
optimistic one.
As the month begins, you are finding your way forward into wholeness, only
just beginning to emerge from a self-reflective period of time that took up
most of July and lasts through the first ten days of the present monthly period.
There may be some degree of growing pains for you to contend with, as your
perspective stretches in response. Your resources are an important part of
the story for you right now.
Especially at the time of the Full Moon taking place on Wednesday, August 9th,
there is also the possibility that you are laboring under a form of illusion
regarding your own resources versus those derived from others. You need to
be very clear about tending your own garden first and foremost at this time.
You are building for the future right now although things might be more difficult
for you short-term than you would really like.
With the Last Quarter Moon taking place on Tuesday, August 15th, you may experience
some form of tension in your activities, as you reach a crisis point in connecting
up the dots for yourself and your material affairs to make a more meaningful
whole. This is an important time for you, when issues of sickness and health
could be helpful in pointing the way to greater internal harmony. It always
pays to follow your heart and to tune in to your internal guidance, and now
more than ever.
The New Moon a week later on the 23rd takes you to a new level of energy and
integration that could manifest as career change. You are fundamentally in
a good place right now, humming along, better when you keep alert to the subtle
vibrations surrounding you these days and move in accordance with them.
Leo (July
22 - August 21) Fire. Your ruling planet
is the Sun. Top
Adventures in intimacy are coming your way, Leo. You might feel a sense
of isolation in your journey as you explore a new contract with yourself
and your
world and make your birthday wishes more of a concrete reality, but at the
same time you are very aware of relationship considerations. You might catch
yourself idealizing helpful partners in your life, or becoming disappointed
that the interaction doesn't always live up to what you considered to be its
high promise.
Especially around the time of the August 9th Full Moon, you may
feel the pain of being brought down to the real in these and other matters.
Although it's true what they say, that "nothing gold can stay," the
remainder of a cosmically powerful connection can still count for quite a lot.
As the month begins, you are likely digging deep down within yourself for some
important answers to questions that might be troubling to you below the surface
layers of your consciousness. You are solidifying at the level of personality,
getting more and more entrenched with recent advances in how you handle yourself
in the real world, but somehow you remain mystical at the core of your very
being, and this vague and mysterious purpose is arising for you right now.
The time is right for you to explore your deep inside, even more so than in
recent weeks.
The paradox of the situation may disturb your logical mind, or what is left
of it, that left-brain part of yourself that insists on solutions, but it might
pay right now not to get very caught up in that form of illusion. The nature
of the soul is paradox, and you are dealing, at least in part, with soul-level
concerns at this time.
Especially at the time of the Full Moon in your opposite sign taking place
on August 9th, the mystical side of the equation may be symbolized by significant
partners in your life. Relationship can be an exceptionally fine mirror for
you these days if you can pierce through the illusion, showing you something
that was there inside you all along when you look at it right.
Sudden changes of attitude could lead you off in very new directions over the
next two weeks, along the way to the Virgo New Moon that takes place on Wednesday,
August 23rd. This New Moon represents a departure for you in terms of a shift
in the energy, another turn of the road for your process of discovery, when
the resources you have at your disposal come strongly into play. You have been
saving up in your cosmic bank account for your various journeys, the mundane
as well as the spiritual ones, and you must call upon these now to make your
Virgo (August
22 - September 21) Earth. Your ruling planet
is Mercury. Top
You are in the world these days all right, Virgo, but just barely. You
are spending most of this month in a period of contemplation, preparing
for your
next phase. Since your ruler Mercury has just changed directions and is once
more flying straight, you are possibly still reeling from recent revelations
and changes to your current plans and goals. You are in fact seeking a greater
sense of cosmic purpose for your life at this time. In the last week of the
month you might just find it.
As the month begins, you find yourself in a strange mix of energies, more out
of this world than participating in it, and yet at the same time with a powerful
urge to connect to others. This might lead to some rather spacey communications
or at least feeling two sides to your interactions in the physical plane.
ruler Mercury is only now recovering lost ground from the recent retrograde,
meaning that decisions regarding your future are still just a bit shaky. Although
you probably have big plans in mind, it might be well to wait another week
or ten days before actualizing them.
At the time of the Full Moon of August 9th, Mercury is almost out of its retrograde
shadow and plans can begin to firm up. This is also a very special time for
you, when you are even more closely connected to other dimensions of experience
than the merely mundane here and now reality. You may in fact be experiencing
the extreme distance between these viewpoints quite strongly. You have a feeling
of compassionate oneness with all creation, and the desire to be of service
somehow, and the urge for action.
Yet everything is suspended and blurred, like looking at the world through
a glass darkly. Things will likely become clearer later in the month. Interactions
with significant partners may also provide inspiration at this time. You and
everyone else are in an entirely transformational place right now, and the
energy is there for making big changes in your life if you open to it.
With the New Moon at the very beginning of your sign that comes along two weeks
later, taking place on Wednesday, August 23rd, a surging charge may revitalize
you and propel you into a new situation.
Libra (September
22 - October 22) Air. Your ruling planet is Venus. Top
You are riding the waves of change, Libra, and getting quite serious
regarding your prospects, visioning new possibilities. There is also
a huge mystical
component to your wild imaginings at this time. You cannot fail to think large,
to expand existing resources and to feel a compassionate sense of unity with
your fellow (wo)man. Your infectious optimism may be catching. Since early
August represents the best chance you'll have all year to make up an entirely
new future for yourself, choose wisely. Be sure of what you want, and then
go ahead.
As the month begins, you are in a very optimistic and expansive space, reacting
to sudden changes of direction in a positive way. Career is really up for you
right now, and the day-to-day experiences of life contain wonderful hidden
messages for you. You are riding the wave from last month's New Moon in your
sector of group affiliation and societal connection, and your expansive attitude
could easily translate into powerful visioning for more inclusive prospects
for yourself and your loved ones. There is a serious side to your plans for
the future at this time as well, and a sense of numinous possibility.
The Full Moon of Wednesday, August 9th represents the polarity of these disparate
fundamental building blocks of life and you may feel pulled to one side or
the other, either to the excessive play of fantasy or to overly practical considerations.
The secret lies somewhere in between. You are changing in your entire approach
to your world at this time, not least through the act of balancing these ordinary
devils and angels of daily existence.
The Last Quarter Moon that comes along a week later, on Tuesday, August 15th,
brings a moment of tension to your process of growth and reinforces the desire
to make needed changes in your life. Your communication at this time is likely
to strike sparks of creativity in others around you.
The New Moon a week later, on Wednesday, August 23rd, takes place in your sector
of dream imagination, leading you to another form of new beginning. You are
to an unusual degree tuned in to other-dimensional energies beyond the hustle
and bustle of here and now so-called reality and yet also connected to serious
purpose regarding making actual progress in the everyday world, all at the
very same time. Nothing to do except to embrace the mystery.
Scorpio (Oct
23 - Nov 21) Water. Your ruling planets Mars,
Pluto. Top
You are reaching for a hard peak of success these days, Scorpio, but
your accomplishment is not without its soft fuzzy underbelly. In spite
of a major achievement orientation,
you are more open than ever to the magical possibilities of your situation.
You are also very community-minded right now, transforming in the ways that
you connect to friends and other groups as you go for the gusto in your social
interactions generally. You might almost be accused of being full of yourself
if it weren't for your compassionate outreach to the social matrix surrounding
As the month begins, you are full of energy and verve, optimistically assessing
your chances and going for the big time in your professional life. You are
also investigating your innermost psyche in a form of dreamtime that takes
you away from the here and now, but largely to good effect. When you can integrate
heart and mind, private and public persona, deep internal process and outer
achievement, then you've really got something.
The Full Moon energy that comes along the following mid-week, on Wednesday,
August 9th, supports both poles of your conundrum. You may be tempted to give
up on your ideals for inner connection, becoming caught up in the razzle-dazzle,
or else find a deeper way to connect to surface glitter and make real gold
out of it.
The Last Quarter Moon of the 15th signals a testing time, a time of true transformation
if you can catch the wave, and a nexus where significant partners in your life
might either help or hinder your metamorphosis depending on how you react to
their contribution. Sudden moves on your part are likely, leading to specific
action in career or partnership matters and for new potentials to open up for
The New Moon a week later, on Wednesday, August 23rd, represents a fresh start
on seeing more clearly where you are headed in all areas. This is a great time
to vision new possibilities for yourself. That it's all up to you is just one
of the lessons of this climactic period of time. That it's all up to Spirit
working itself out in your life might be another.
Sagittarius (Nov
22 - Dec 20) Fire. Your ruling planet is Jupiter. Top
Mystical madness may be your strongest suit these days, Sagittarius, in spite
of all your best efforts to tread the straight and narrow. In the course of
this monthly cycle you find yourself caught between opposing forces of deep
internal reflection and a superbly realistic approach. There will be surprises
and cosmic epiphanies to attend to as you strive at the same time to find the
proper outer world manifestation to match newfound inner awareness. Inner and
outer are but two sides of the very same coin, and the coin is in spin. Will
it come up heads versus tails or a touch of both?
As the month begins you are intent on coming to a new form of intimacy with
self and other, based on deep thoughts and internal reflections that take you
far behind and beyond your conscious mind. Your basic beliefs are solidifying
in a particular direction and the question is, are you ready to embrace profound
change in your life yet again? You are called to move beyond previous limitations
in another phase of deepening commitment to your most essential self and make
a vertical connection to your highest intention past the multiple distractions
offered by modern society.
At the time of the Full Moon taking place on Wednesday, August 9th, you are
presented with choices. There is the illusory glitter of surface distraction
to deal with, as always, and perhaps the fear of taking on the real success
story of this period of time, in the profound transformation that you can make
in your life right now. In any case, this is about finding your own sense of
what is good for you and communicating it to others around you.
The Last Quarter Moon of August 15th represents another turning point, a time
when the rubber meets the road in terms of your actual day-to-day commitment
to active change. Sudden new career directions may occur to you now, or at
least the desire to leap tall buildings and break through to new ground.
The Virgo New Moon that comes along a week later also represents a fresh start
in this area, one in which a sense of integration is more possible between
impulse and idealism, and where mystical messages from other voices and your
own deep intuition play an important part. You remain in the midst of a thoroughgoing
metamorphosis that is taking place within your psyche, which is really about
piercing the illusory satisfaction of surface living in order to dive into
meaning, but it doesn't have to be that dramatic.
You will make the choice that you are ready for, and if you don't take the
total plunge at this time, the chance will come again to you later in a different
Capricorn (Dec
21 - Jan 19) Earth. Your ruling planet is Saturn. Top
Your concept of your future is changing rapidly, Capricorn. Compassionate
connection with intimate partners is a deep mystery, and one that reflects
on your own
situation. Living for others rather than for yourself will get you only so
far but it is perhaps difficult to escape that pattern. New information that
comes to light has you thinking things through in surprising ways and then
fitfully describing your new life direction to others, as the mood occurs.
The closer you get to merging with another the more you realize that the most
important connection that you have is with your own inner process.
As the month begins, you are fully involved with electric communication and
optimistic partnership activity. It's an exciting time to be alive. You are
continuing the transformation of your values and your ideas that began earlier
this year, and the more that you allow yourself to give in to potential change
and go with the flow of circumstances the better you'll like the conclusion.
The Full Moon of August 9th is a particularly potent time for you. Financial
and other type of resource are subject to some degree of illusion and even
deceptive situations might arise, at this time especially, although this has
perhaps been something of a constant theme lately. Financial resources are
such an illusion to begin with, although we must also take them as real for
the sake of the daily round of actions that determine our physical lives; they
don't mean much in the bigger picture, except as counters in the game. And
the game is really about our spiritual selves and the connections that we make
with each other, helpful or hurtful as we find or stray from our ultimate intention
for ourselves.
As the remainder of the month unfolds, there may be some stuck places that
you will get to, potential painful places where issues of security, boundaries
and finding the dynamic of intimacy that works for both partner and self. If
you gracefully try for the integration of heart and mind, hand and soul center,
you'll do all right in the final result.
You may experience some element of tension and difficulty seeing your way clear
to this place of balance, especially at the time of the Last Quarter Moon of
Tuesday the 15th and the week following, when mental adjustments might need
to be made. The New Moon of Wednesday, August 23rd, represents another shift,
a further perspective, and another turn around the spiral path of your evolving
Aquarius (Jan
20 - Feb 18) Air. Your ruling planets Uranus,
Saturn. Top
You are sailing through mighty mystical waters lately, Aquarius. Partnership
concerns are paramount for you at this time but that doesn't mean that you
are intended to neglect your own development. You are on a powerful roll with
your outer presentation, based in part on a better grasp of your own motivation,
although the ins and outs of this support may be more than a little confusing.
What seems almost like no overt progress is actually a secret river of change
that bubbles up from time to time into surface layers of your psyche like an
underground spring rising. Just when you least expect it you have once again
found your center.
As the month begins, you are seeking practical results, although in another
way your feet are barely reaching the ground at this time. You are climbing
for a peak of success in career matters and very invested in relationship with
significant others in you life also, while at the same time attempting to sort
out the details of exactly what makes you tick. You are tempted on the one
hand toward being over-committed to sharing, or else pushing everyone away
to remain firmly in your own space.
When you are attempting to get a better handle on your own security needs,
others only seem to slow you down or even hold you back. Adjustment is required.
And simultaneously you are riding the wave of an intensely optimistic call
to action in all areas of your life, but most especially in the public statement
that you embody as you show up in the world.
The Full Moon in your sign that comes along on Wednesday, August 9th, may represent
some kind of a culmination of these ruminations and cross-purposes. At that
time, your relationship dynamic is even more emphasized by the very nature
of the Full Moon energy.
At the time of the Last Quarter Moon, taking place about a week later, on Tuesday,
August 15th, you are likely to experience some degree of tension in the process
of growth that you are currently engaged in, as home and family concerns predominate
along with changes to your group affiliations and how you fit yourself into
society around you.
The New Moon of the following week, taking place on Wednesday, August 23rd,
represents a fresh start in some of these areas and a new take on intimate
connection with important partners. You are coming from a more integrated,
although perhaps also more confusing, place, learning to balance self versus
other, reality versus high idealism, and public versus private life. Like a
tightrope walker you will do fine as long as you refuse to look down.
Pisces (Feb
19 - Mar 19) Water. Your ruling planets Neptune, Jupiter. Top
You are other-directed these days, Pisces. Especially in the last week of
the month you are likely to find yourself very busy exploring new realms
of partnership
interaction. You are also getting serious about finding your dharma, your true
vocation, as you emerge from the previous month, riding the waves of recent
changes in attitude toward who you are, and how and to what end you show up
in the world. An other-orientation makes sense for you right now, almost as
a form of spiritual practice, as you strive to concretely enable a path of
service to others based on the compassionate embrace of all of nature, and,
don't forget, of yourself along with it.
As the month begins, you are feeling your way into novel perspectives and a
greater sense of integration between inner and outer. You are quite active
in the world at this time, and yet also completely in touch with a hidden element
of your personality that corresponds to other dimensions of reality beyond
what you can see and touch with your five senses alone. This month represents
a further opportunity for growth, as you get more serious regarding your commitment
to a form of true service to humanity at large.
At the time of the August 9th Full Moon in your sector of dream imagination
you are pulled even more strongly to the inside. Active partners in your life
can help you bridge the gap between inner and outer, but it is well to remember
that you are the final architect of your worldview, and that you establish
your own reality with each attitude adjustment that you make.
The New Moon that comes along two weeks later, on Wednesday, August 23rd, in
your opposing sign, your partnership sector, brings new energy to this area
of your life. Existing relationships will be enhanced and new ones could be
started at this time.
You are in the midst of profound personal transformation during this entire
monthly cycle, involving not only your relationship to significant partners
but your sense of self and your way of being in the world stage, how you perform
your public service.
This is a time when you are either uplifted and the real and mundane events
of your life become almost magical, or else a time when you feel that your
creative imagination is stifled by too much exposure to the limitations of
the concrete world. If this seems paradoxical, well it is, and you might just
have to accept that there are limitations to the world of logic. The fundamental
disconnect between worlds is severe, and yet can yield to an act of the imagination,
although not always gracefully.
Aires Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagitt Capric Aquar Pisces Overview Top
of the Planets this month: Top
Astrology of August features Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Saturn and
Neptune, opposite each other throughout August, ask us to consider
the mystical implications of the everyday physical world all around
us from which we draw sustenance, and conversely to accept it that
our high ideals may suffer a dose of realistic disappointment from
time to time, without allowing that simple, understandable and commonplace
occurrence to bring us down. "Tomorrow I begin again" could
be our attitude. The constant interpenetration of the real and the
supernaturally unreal form an important polarity of life here below
that keeps the heart of it beating. We constantly go back and forth
between dwelling in the multiplicity and dwelling in the One, but it
is all wonder. As the poet says, from wonder into wonder, existence
Saturn and Neptune, opposed in the skies right now, are triggered most
dramatically at the time of the Leo–Aquarius Full Moon on August
9th. This Full Moon takes place at 16+ degrees of the sign, within
two degrees of each opposing planet, themselves within four degrees
of each other across the Zodiac. Saturn and Neptune continue to get
closer to an exact opposition as the month unwinds. Uranus is also
implicated in this month's grand scheme, since Jupiter trines it from
Scorpio, along with Venus at the very beginning of the month, while
at the Full Moon, Mars opposes Uranus and the Sun aspects it along
with Saturn. Interestingly, the Virgo New Moon in the last week of
the month exactly opposes the Uranus / Neptune midpoint. August is
therefore a most magical month.
With trickster Uranus in the mix of this month's energies, anything
can happen. We should be prepared for the unexpected, and the moment
of epiphany that can change our lives suddenly and completely.
Mercury is also just now pulling out of its retrograde shadow, recovering
lost ground from the previous three weeks of the retrograde period,
and re-entering Leo on the 10th. Hopefully we can take what we have
gathered during this reflective period of time, now ending, and discover
the roots of our salvation in the new understanding that it brings
Current Configurations
Riding the energy of the Leo New Moon from the end of last month, we
are relatively ungrounded at the beginning of the month, with only
Mars in Virgo holding the Earth energy. We are precise but not fully
connected with ourselves in some ways at this time, relying on the
shaky power of logical thinking to hold ourselves together.
The First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, August 2nd is a powerful one,
with a Grand Trine in Water, including Uranus, and with only Mars in
Earth, and the Moon in conjunction with expansive Jupiter in Scorpio.
Jupiter trines Uranus all month long, amping up his sparky energy,
and squaring Saturn and Neptune. We are thrust into a swirl of radical
energy promoting either confusion or at least the possibility of change
in our lives.
The Full Moon of Wednesday, August 9th, is powerful as well, with the
Sun and Moon in Leo and Aquarius aligning themselves with the forming
Saturn – Neptune opposition, by now only a few degrees apart
across the sky. Saturn and Neptune represent quite opposite principles,
of the status quo and the limitations of the here and now versus the
more distant drumbeat and numinous super-reality of other dimensions
intruding upon our physical ones, and calling us forth to compassion
and feelings of oneness with all creatures on the planet. At the same
time, Mars is also opposite Uranus, representing a call to action and
the likelihood of surprising and even startling events to take place.
The Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, August 15th, features an isolated
Moon opposed to the remainder of the planets and carrying most of the
Earth energy in its watery grasp. Mars is still opposite Uranus. The
Sun and Moon now aspect transformative Pluto. The energy shift and
crisis of action represented by the building square between Sun and
Moon both frustrate and strengthen our cause. We are in a place of
attempting to reconcile the spiritual impulse toward the divine within
us and out world limitation. Progress can be made, although not without
effort on our part.
The Virgo New Moon of Wednesday, August 23rd, represents a fresh start
in the very first degree of the sign. The Virgo energy is not very
grounded, but more so than the Fire element that preceded it. We are
being asked to find a place within the storm of circumstance that we
are comfortable with as our platform on which to stand, from which
we can attempt to move the mountains of our destiny a little closer
to their culmination.
Text © Copyright
2006 AstroGraph
Used by permission
Web design ©Copyright
2006 Walter Zajac
Aires Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagitt Capric Aquar Pisces Overview Top
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