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for October 2005 by
Henry Seltzer
get a more accurate horoscope if you read your Rising sign, and your
Moon sign, as well as your Sun sign. Here's how:
Your Sun sign represents
your Self, your way of being in the world. It can represent both the
ego (mental) self and the higher Self (soul purpose). It
represents your will and sense of vitality.
Your Sun sign horoscope will tell you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
Your Rising sign represents your outer
mask, the self you show to others. It represents how you appear
to others, how others perceive you, in your true interaction with the world.
Your Rising sign horoscope will tell you what to expect in these areas of your
self this month.
Your Moon sign represents your personal
self, your feelings, your subconscious. It represents how you relate
to others, how you have nurturing relationships with others, your intuition,
your spiritual self, your sense of security, and your habits. The Moon represents
your feminine, nurturing side (we all have one).
The Moon also indicates the type of partner you will attract, since it represents
your emotional self.
Your Moon sign horoscope will show you what these areas of your self will encounter
this month.
are your Signs?
Interpretation of You and your Lover
values are shifting this month, Aries. You are entering an entirely transforming
period of time, especially in the area of intimate relationship with others,
as well as all other forms of partnering. You are striving for the balance
point, where you seek to establish yourself not on your own terms alone,
yet not counting on the presence of others to the exclusion of your own
basis for security within yourself. This is big stuff, a whole new way
of looking at the impact of relationship on your life, and you are being
turned inside out to achieve a new perspective.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, represents a time of great
partnership awareness for you. Something is shifting in that area, and you
entire foundational belief system is affected, and your drive for security
also. It is an excellent time to imagine new possibilities into being, for
the way you do intimacy and for everything else as well.
The First Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th, traditionally represents a
minor degree of crisis, when the fledgling development of the initial impulse
generated from the time of the New Moon is tested, and those pieces drop away
that are not fully consistent with your life purpose at this time. You are
daring to dream big at this time – illusion or fantastic new potential?
Only time will tell.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, brings issues of self
and other even more firmly into the picture. The balancing act you are engaged
in right now is extreme but so are the rewards in terms of increased understanding
of your entire situation.
When the Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 24th, takes place in your sector
of creative self-expression, you are really ready to rock your preexisting
may feel stuck in a rut this month, Taurus, like your wheels are spinning and
no traction. It's time to stop and take a look around, see what is to be made
from a deeper inspection of your situation. You are entering an important period
of growth and change, but much of what wants to happen in your life right now
is from the inside, the places that no one can see, but that make all the difference.
You are on the verge of a huge fresh start on grounded service to your own
highest purpose for yourself, going forward.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, symbolizes fresh opportunities
for spiritual growth, in the way of connecting your deep inner process with
your intentions in this time of your life, and your career path as well. You
are seeking the path with heart at this time, and you will be satisfied with
nothing less.
The First Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 10th, may indicate challenges in
the area of day-to-day activities in support of your process, and also involves
a greater degree of partnership communication than you have been used to, all
of which helps to resolve issues that stem from the deeper look that you have
been taking at what exactly constitutes your unique path. You are rethinking
both your spiritual commitment to yourself and your partnership dynamic at
this time.
By the time of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, of Monday, October 17th, you
may have reached some form of resolution.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 24th, is another testing time period,
when changes that have accumulated in how you see your relationship world contribute
to a different consciousness that arises from some deep and relatively unknown
place inside you. The way that you do intimacy is shifting, and permanently,
no matter how much you seek to resist the metamorphosis. You will emerge with
new vision to see the day before you, and new wings to take you there.
You are coming into a brand new and vividly creative side of your personal
self-expression this month, Gemini. You are transforming the impact of spiritual
presence in your life, based on challenging relationship circumstances with
important partners that teaches you more about your own course of action than
about these others. The significant partnerships in your life are after all
mirrors for your own process of self-development and self-understanding. The
mystery is always present and in some ways this month even more so, but you
have a rare ability right now to pierce the veil if you pay your fullest attention
to this effort.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, represents the actual taking
into account of elements of your highest nature operating on you from the inside,
and as well the vibrant self-expression that accompanies breaking through to
these often hidden elements of your being. Partnership interaction provides
the impulse, and perhaps the impetus, for revising your self-concept.
Actions begun at this new phase will perhaps find their crisis of development
around the time of the First Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 10th, when the
call of Spirit is very compelling, and challenging partnership dynamics may
also arise.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, symbolizes a balance
point, when the pull of the future and the concrete lure of present tense environmental
factors compete for your attention and also somehow find a way to compromise.
Your awareness of your situation grows as the month progresses toward the Last
Quarter Moon, when internal concerns and growth opportunities will be more
present to your thought process than outer ones. In the final analysis the
relationship completion that you seek is as much with your angel guides that
represent your own highest purpose for yourself as with any manifested being.
You are celebrating the paradox this month, Cancer. The roller coaster of your
emotional journey has reached the top, but magically you are still not falling.
Intimacy and deep connection with significant others is both confusing and
steeped in mysterious healing power at this time. Your home and family orientation,
reflections of your own deep journey of increasing awareness, is about to get
a jump-start into a different level during the course of your current cycle
of development. Be the change that you want to see in the world.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, represents a time of important
new growth in your understanding of your own deepest process of unfoldment.
You are coming into a transformed vision of your future possibilities at this
The First Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 10th, symbolizes a point of conflict
wherein the changes you are in process of making may be temporarily sidetracked
in favor of mere survival in the face of external pressure form one source
or another.
The possibility for fulfillment of what is only hoped for at this time will
have to wait until after the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October
17th, when outer events will stimulate your urge to keep moving onwards.
The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 24th, represents another time of tension
in your process, when security needs may take precedence over the expansion
of personal growth that is such an important part of journey in this monthly
cycle. Throughout this time you are getting in closer touch with who you really
are in your emotional depths, and that makes you more available for others
in your life also. If you embrace the changes that come to you at this time,
you will emerge more whole and more fully yourself than when you started.
Communication is booming for you in this monthly cycle, Leo. You are beaming
out information to everyone around you at this time. While being very caught
up in the drama of your working world you are actually getting more grounded
into the physical and entering at the same time a new cycle of self-development
on a more personal level. You are changing in your presentation, in the way
that others see you, and that's a Good Thing if you tune your awareness to
the highest. Beneficial partnership is feeding you inscrutable ecstasy that
can be taken as illustrious breakthrough or else illusion. It's all in the
way you look at it.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, symbolizes a point in time
when you are intellectually stimulated to attempt to investigate more deeply
your career goals and life orientation. Taking a look under the covers may
be scary but it is worth the risk in terms of superior involvement and understanding
of your own process and also greater vertical integration with all the various
parts of your life. Partnership with others is mystical madness at this time
and provides clues of your mysterious connection with the All That Is.
The First Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th, indicates a period of time
when your process may spring a leak or hit some bumps along the way, but which
brings you more fully into concretizing your path, going forwards. The changes
you are making to your self-expression at this time are being carried along
into a thoroughgoing reassessment of your basic patterns in the working world
as well.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in sector of your higher mind reinforces the
progress you have been achieving and makes your recent new ideas more available
to others around you as well. This is another time of tension in your process
of growth that emphasizes even more completely how nothing in life stays the
same, even though sometimes we wish it would.
The ground is shifting again under your feet at the time of the Last Quarter
Moon, of Monday, October 24th. You have shifted in your self-concept over the
course of the last few weeks and in the way you get yourself out there, and
your awareness deepens as a result of the unusual perspectives that have emerged.
It is truly said that you cannot step into the same river twice, especially
not the river of your ultimate destiny.
The minorly disturbing and majorly rewarding turmoil in your life continues
this month, Virgo. You are remolding your life path nearer to your heart’s
desire right now, although it might be a confusing time for you as well. There
are productive aspects to this ferment at the very core of your being, especially
in the realm of gains to your understanding of your inner world. Like the iceberg,
nine tenths of your being is underwater, and what you don’t see can still
cause quite a stir on the ocean of your existence.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, coincides with a realignment
of your basic values. You are concerned with issues of security and financial
planning at this time also. You are likely to be looking within more than outside
of yourself right now, and the search for meaning that you are engaged in has
the ultimate effect of creating greater clarity regarding who you are at the
level of the psychological roots of your being, possibly as reflected in the
area of home and family.
The period of time between New and Full Moon is a building time, but in this
case you are building up a better understanding of yourself in the hidden places
of your being, with little to show for the effort expended. The benefits accrue
later on since from the platform of a better self-knowledge you can more fully
inhabit your own truth going forward.
The First Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th, may represent a moment of tension
in your process of managing your resources in line with your highest ideals
for yourself, a time when some of your plans may need to be scrapped, others
allowed to continue.
At the time of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, you
will probably reach a plateau of some sort in the progress of your recent agendas,
time when you might profitably share your ideas with others around you. You
are still concerned with home and family issues at this time, and your deep
connection to your emotional life.
There is a mystical side to your explorations at this time, and leading up
to the end of the month, whereby you may glimpse a new depth of connection
to Spirit within you leading you onwards, to the extent that you allow yourself
to be so guided. Sometimes your small self can get in the way of your larger
purpose. It is essentially a question of faith in your own process and in that
of the universe that supports you, when you can allow yourself to let go.
It’s a whole new world for you this month, Libra. You are entering into
an entirely new era with the Solar Eclipse in your sign. Your transformation
involves intimate bonding with significant partners, and the way in which you
connect with others in your life in general. You are revising your assessment
of your connection to others by looking deep within yourself for the keys to
your relationship patterns.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, represents a chance to break
the bonds of your conventional associations, especially if your birthday comes
at the end of September or in the first week of October. You are opening up
to new ways of seeing, and therefore of acting in the world, although first
you must gather your strength and your balance. It may be destabilizing for
a time, this new vision, but you will find yourself with a broader base from
which to operate once the dust settles.
The First Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 10th, may come at a time of increasing
discomfort with new priorities, and serves to remind you that not everything
that you plan can come to graceful fruition.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, may be another period
when some tension exists, and possible conflicts may emerge with others around
you. These hopefully will serve to remind you about some part of the way that
you communicate may need to change, although you will also perhaps feel stuck
in certain ways and unable to change, creating more tension between the practical
and the ideal sides of your nature, which in turn is likely to be projected
onto whatever partners are handy. If this reminds you of a vicious circle you
are not far wrong, but there is a way out if you can spiral up to another level
and see the whole pattern from a distance. Detachment and silent witness, always
a good idea, will serve you well at this time.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 24th, and the days following, may
be another time when you can see the compulsive side of your behavior which
might lead to the beneficial result that you break out of prior patterns more
concretely. You will definitely emerge from the tunnel of this time with a
huge appreciation for the light at the end of it, and perhaps with new eyes
to see the day.
You are reassessing your concept of partnering with others in your life right
now, Scorpio, based on a greater connection with and understanding of the hidden
places within your soul. A mystical impulse stemming from the very core of
your being totally transforms your partnership pattern during the course of
this monthly cycle. It seems that you’ve been missing an important part
of the relationship picture all this time, and the missing piece involves how
very intimately that dynamic is tied to the higher principle of Spirit acting
itself out in your life.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, comes along in your sector
of dream visions and the secret spaces behind and beyond your conscious mind.
It may be that your dreams are especially vivid at this time, and that more
importantly they will have something significant to tell you about the dynamics
of your waking life, and the part that relationship plays in mirroring your
own deep process. This monthly cycle could prove to be a testing time for you,
especially in the area of how you handle important partnerships. You are potentially
reassessing relationship and resource issues all month long, including your
understanding of the role that the material side of existence plays in bolstering
your security needs.
As you go through this process of exploration and reassessment, you may hit
a few bumps in the road by the time of the First Quarter Moon of Monday, October
10th. This is a time when some tension could exist in the communication between
you and significant partners in your life.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th is another time when
you might feel potential difficulties emerging in the balance of self and other.
You are drawn to establishing your own sense of security, independent of partnership,
and at the same time you may seek the safety of established patterns of relationship.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 24th, represents the beginning of
a period of time when you may feel the tension of priority conflicts but also
find the joy of compromise. The secret lies in acceptance, both of self and
other. Things go better when you give in and simply let the universe have its
way with you. Relax into the mystery.
Be careful what you wish for near the beginning of the month, Sagittarius,
it just might come true! The Solar Eclipse in your sector of future plans and
societal involvement triggers an enormous potential for visioning new possibilities
for yourself. Your dreams are coming together in ways you wouldn't have believed
were realistic even as recently as a few weeks ago. You are spending a lot
of time right now revising and refueling your notion of how to move forward
gracefully into a future that is more fully consistent with your cherished
values. If you dare to imagine your highest purpose for yourself at this time,
and to share this vision with others around you, you will be surprised at the
The period immediately following the Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October
3rd, is an excellent time to take stock of where you have been heading in your
life, and where indeed you would like to be. This time of your year is known
as a power period for enhanced vision of your possibilities, especially in
the first week following the New Moon.
The First Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th, represents a time when the
rubber meets the road in terms of issues that you are facing with the initial
impulse of the New Moon energy. At this time too, the energy of the retrograde
Mars is at a peak, producing an internal feeling of can do within yourself,
manifesting not so much in terms of outer but inner activity. You are likely
to be reevaluating not only your plans going forward, but also your entire
self-concept at this time.
The Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, constitutes a time when your progress
in the issues that were expressed at the beginning of the cycle come to full
flower, and you are ready to share them with others. In this specific October
timeframe, certain painful security issues may manifest, perhaps for the ultimate
intention of getting past them once and for all, perhaps for purposes of solidifying
your adherence to a better model for relationship with others.
The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 24th, is another time of great concentration
of both your challenges and your powers, entering into a more spiritual dimension
of life, when you take on a decidedly philosophical turn of mind as you assimilate
the internal compression of the past few weeks. You are changing, changing
at the very core of your being, and you benefit when you have the wisdom to
acknowledge this simple fact.
Try not to get caught up in the paradox, Capricorn. This month you are making
a powerful fresh start in your career and professional responsibilities while
simultaneously exploring more fully the numinous potentialities of your inner
world. Inner and outer are but two sides of the same coin, true, but expression
and technique vary greatly. Perhaps in the end it is only a matter of appearance.
Embrace the mystery of your existence with your whole heart and nothing can
go wrong.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, gives you the opportunity
to make important changes in the way you do your outer world presentation,
based on a deep level transformation of values in the direction of the mystical
unknown and unproven. This is risky business all right, but well worth the
chance that you are taking, since you are only getting rid of patterns that
you were ready in any case to outgrow.
There may be a few bumps in the road along the way to a thorough transformation
of even your basic values, especially around the time of the First Quarter
Moon of Monday, October 10th, when some tension in your process of growth may
emerge. You are not likely to be very scintillating at this time, since you
are expressing yourself in a more internal way than usual for this entire monthly
At the time of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Monday, October 17th, you
may be subject to further trials, which serve to arouse your awareness of your
vast and yeasty interior, wellspring in the final analysis of all your actions.
The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 24th, may also provide a further stimulus
of your process of metamorphosis form the position that you once occupied.
You are bringing greater awareness to your hidden places and this can only
be a good thing, providing a greater degree of integration, top to bottom.
You are getting to the heart of the matter as you progress through this monthly
cycle, Aquarius. Rather than remaining concerned strictly with outer success,
you find yourself spelunking down deep into the musty caves of your inner being.
You may be questioning your motives by exploring their roots in your need for
security, perhaps transforming the way you see your commitment to society in
the light of core-level revelations. You are diving for pearls of wisdom right
now that may help you to achieve your more material fortune later on, when
you are finally ready to fully embrace it.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, represents a chance to glimpse
your universe and your place within it from a new and entirely different standpoint.
You are taking the fruits of your labor seriously and reinvesting that energy
based on an increasingly clear understanding of your situation. Partners in
your sphere at this time are canny and wise in the ways of this world, and
yet also let you feel the mystery of infinite possibility, allowing you to
embrace limitation and freedom from restriction all at the same time. This
is a concept that is potentially confusing unless you allow yourself to just
breathe in the moment without trying to control it.
The week following the First Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th is a time
when you come out of your shell a bit more.
With the advent in the following week of the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on
Monday, October 17th, you are more ready to discuss potential changes in your
plans. This is a time of communicating your ideas and your ideals to others
around you, which helps you to crystallize these new conceptions.
The Last Quarter Moon, taking place on Monday, October 24th, is an opportunity
to sum up and take advantage of changes in perspective from these three weeks.
While they may not have totally rocked your world they have at least made a
dent in the wall of your prior conceptions, and it is important to acknowledge
this as you move forward into a less certain but more powerful future.
transformational stew is still bubbling for you, Pisces, perhaps just now coming
to a boil. You are coming more completely into yourself this month, making
significant changes in the ways that you reach out to others, including your
career goals and intimate connection as well. More serious than ever about
finding your own unique path that fully represents your highest intention for
yourself, you are seeing your way clear to a future that you can not only live
with but for.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, gives you a burst of energy
for your process of growth and change. You are even more fully internal at
this time than usual, exploring the misty reaches of numinous potentiality
behind and beyond your conscious mind. There are surprising revelations that
may come to give you a clue to these inner workings.
You may be communicating your truth to others around you at this time, but
likely from an entirely introspective point of view. At the time of the First
Quarter Moon of Monday, October 10th, you are likely to feel some tension in
your process of growth and change. You may be journaling like crazy during
this period.
The Lunar Eclipse and Full moon of Monday, October 17th, is another time of
potential difficulty, a time of greater awareness regarding matters of self
and other, as you explore control issues that have been awaiting the chance
to come to the fore for purposes of healing and moving beyond them.
The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 24th, is a time of increasing understanding
of your process, insofar as you can actually make it out. Although we have
at any time no real and complete understanding of the wellspring of our actions,
it is helpful to walk about in the world as though we actually do. You are
taking the time right now to contemplate where you are headed at this time
of your life, and how to best represent your own highest purpose for yourself
going forward. The most important result of your explorations over this monthly
period, involves greater intimacy with significant partners in your life and
also with the angel guidance of your own higher self.
of the Planets this month:
Astrology of October focuses on Mars, Neptune and Pluto, and the
Solar and Lunar Eclipses of October 3rd Full Moon, at the 11th degree
of Libra, and the 25th degree of Libra and Aries, and as well the
Scorpio time of year ushered in by the Sun's entry into Pluto's own
sign on the 22nd of the month. Mars goes into retrograde motion backwards
through the zodiac beginning on the first of October, in close aspect
to Pluto, triggered at the time of the Solar Eclipse New Moon by
Mercury in very close sextile to Pluto, forming a Yod to Mars. Then,
Mars stays in aspect to Pluto for the next three weeks, until after
the Libra-Aries Lunar Eclipse Full Moon. Mars retrogrades back to
mid-Taurus by the end of October, squaring Neptune now in direct
motion in mid-Aquarius, and does not return to direct motion itself
until December.
What might this retrograde Mars for the next two months signify? Mars normally
represents our outgoing side, the servant of our life purpose, our ability
to "get things done" in this world. With this retrograde, we are
drawn to a more internal stance, getting ourselves squared away regarding inner
rather than outer priorities. At the time of the New Moon near the beginning
of this retrograde cycle, Mars is inconjunct both Pluto and Mercury, forming
a Yod to Mars, representing in this case the transformational awareness of
our true motivating energy that comes with radical alteration of our circumstances.
Then too, with Pluto in the picture over the first few weeks of October, we
are being urged to transform in our dealings with ourselves and with others.
There may be deep-seated anger that comes up for us at this time, potentially
to surface as rage, even violence, perhaps to simmer inside, since the retrograde
likely manifests on a more internal level. When we focus our attention on the
roots of our anger, we may discover new facets of ourselves that we have hitherto
overlooked. We may better understand how to move forward in ways that feel
congruent with our own higher nature. We may find that we can unleash the dynamo
of our doing as we make our actions more consistent with our deepest values.
As the month draws to its close, and Mars squares Neptune, we may find issues
of deception as well as feelings of spiritual unity emerging as part of this
transformation of our attitudes. We may find that there are ways that we have
been practicing some form of deception on ourselves, and on other around us,
perhaps in a more or less unconscious fashion, as new information may come
to light in ways that surprise us. We may also find ourselves drawing nearer
to the Spirit inside that motivates our actions from the standpoint of our
highest purpose for ourselves. At this same time Venus conjuncts Pluto, representing
the transformation of relationships in our lives, and Jupiter enters Pluto's
sign of Scorpio, joined there by the Moon in preparation for the Scorpio New
Moon of November 1st. It will be an interesting Halloween.
Current Configurations
The Solar Eclipse New Moon of Monday, October 3rd, is accompanied by a close
Yod to Mars from Mercury and Pluto, as indicated above, and takes place at
the 11th degree of Libra. The Sabian symbol for this degree is "a professor
peering over his glasses" with the keyword SPECIALIZATION. Marc Edmond
Jones sees this symbol as representing the superior attitude that goes along
with extreme ego strength and developed mastery. We can regard this symbol
as having two sides to it, since while the development of insight and accompanying
recognition can be a good thing, there is also the down side of feeling superior
to others. It is certain that a delicate balance must be struck between healthy
feelings of control and competence and the overdone ego-involvement of superior
attitudes toward other people, especially those of different age grouping,
gender or race.
With Mars and Pluto so much in the picture the downside of ego may definitely
come up for us during this monthly period, as well as the opportunity to rise
above and truly shine like the earth angels we were always destined to be.
This Solar Eclipse New Moon also trines Neptune in Aquarius, bringing our higher
spiritual and social motivation into the picture, and as well the possibility
for self-deception.
This New Moon also sextiles Saturn, creating an interesting mix of energies
that might bring a grounded presence to our otherworldly ideals, enabling them
to edge a little closer to reality, and also may bring the fogginess and potentially
deceptive Neptunian energy into conflict with concrete structures in our lives.
Since Venus in Scorpio is also opposed to Mars at this time, and aspected by
the eclipse New Moon, we also have the potential for right relationship with
others (or its opposite) to come to the fore as well, making for a volatile
monthly period.
At the time of the First Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 10th, the Sun still
aspects Venus, now in Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius represents stepping
back from close involvement and powerful feelings of connection in order to
be free to see the bigger picture. We may be more thoughtful at this juncture,
which traditionally represents a time when initiatives begun at the time of
the New Moon need to be tested against the reality of our situation. The Yod
to Mars is still present, with the Sun / Jupiter midpoint supplying one of
the legs, along with Pluto, so that increasingly greater and greater consciousness
of ultimate motivation is one possible outcome at this time.
The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, of Monday, October 17th, sextiles and trines Pluto,
allowing for the transformation of our perspective, while Venus is aspected
by Saturn, indicating that yet more reality testing of our relationship dynamic
is in the works for us at this time. Pluto still aspects Mars, meaning that
the changes continue to our self-concept and as well reviewing the underpinnings
of our motivation. The Sabian symbols for the 25th degrees of Libra and Aries
are as follows: for the Libra degree, "Information in the symbol of an
autumn leaf," which Marc Edmond Jones relates to the Mars capacity to
see the world and the individual in continual interdependence" and to
which he assigns the keyword TACT, or "spontaneous adaptability and instinctive
unswerving fidelity to ultimate goals and meanings." The symbol for the
Aries degree is "a double promise," with the keyword SENSIBILITY,
the "unlimited capacity for seeing the world and self both inwardly and
outwardly." Together these symbols would seem to stand for the possibility
of taking the high road rather than its opposite in our dealings with others.
The choice is ours.
The Last Quarter Moon, of Monday, October 24th, finds Venus conjunct Pluto,
perfecting through the end of the month, while they both aspect Mars. The Sun,
newly entered into Scorpio, is conjunct Jupiter in the last degree of Libra,
while Mercury also aspects Mars. Over the next few days, Neptune stations direct
and Mars aspects both Neptune and Uranus, making for a potential increase in
our understanding. This period of time, symbolizing in the words of Dane Rudhyar
a "crisis in consciousness" for the initiatives that were so cheerfully
begun at the time of the New Moon, brings to a head some of the trials and
transformations of the previous three weeks, and challenges us to expand our
awareness. We only go around once in this life, and so we might as well make
the very best of what it has to offer. We have nothing to lose but our stuck
places inside ourselves, and everything to gain.
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